Since his historic election, President Obama has been inundated with a barrage of venomous criticism. From the first cries calling for the failure of his administration by Vitter and Limbaugh to the media critique of his handling of the BP oil spill, his critics are unequivocal in telling us that he can do no right.
In the face of contrary evidence, “Birthers” rant that the President is not a US citizen and should be removed from office. Once closed by Senator Barry Goldwater, the “father” of modern conservatism, the Republican leadership has opened the doors of their party to the John Birch Society and other reactionary extremists. With cries of wanting to “take back OUR country” and “we want OUR America back,” the Tea Partiers clearly tell us that there is no room for his (The President’s) kind in their America – at least not in a position of leadership or Presidential Authority. Who remembers someone ever disrespectfully calling out “You Lie!” to either of the Bushes, Reagan, Ford or Nixon in the chambers of the US House of Representatives or someone openly carrying a loaded weapon to one of their political events?
For years our borders have been as porous as cheesecloth, but suddenly critics tell us the Administration is failing to live up to its responsibility to quell the flow of immigrants from our southern border. Without questioning the impact of our non-existent northern border on illegal immigration, reactionary responses from municipal to state governments tell us that if “Obama won’t do anything, we’ll stop these Mexicans from coming here.”
Living up to expectations, the actions of Fox News have denigrated from constant criticism of President Obama to their appeal, by the likes of Beck, to the basest elements in society to “revolt” against the oppressor Obama or to “spill the blood of tyrants to water the tree of Liberty .” Disappointingly, most mainstream media just turned its attention and focus to President Obama’s critics, while excluding a balanced assessment of the political landscape.
That having been said, there are millions out here who support the reasoned and measured approach of the President. We understand from the evidence he presents daily that he has an extraordinary, almost encyclopedic understanding of issues impacting this nation and the world. We see him lauded by his peers around the world as a “thinker” or as a no-nonsense leader who understands, and can articulate, the positions of friends and adversaries alike. While not addressing or achieving goals the way the media “puppeteers” would choose, HE GETS THE JOB DONE!!!
An overwhelming number of Americans elected President Obama and millions still support him, but too many of us do so silently. If the progressive agenda we elected the President to achieve is to be successful, we must help the President achieve it. We cannot allow the media to report from negative positions without challenge. Just as others demonstrate their hatred and disrespect of President Obama, we must actively demonstrate our support.
We call on ALL who support President Obama to take action. On August 4th, the President’s birthday, we ask those who support him to wear any campaign item from the Presidential election as a demonstration of our ongoing support. Bring out your old campaign paraphernalia.
If you don’t have caps, buttons or tee shirts, wear a red, white, and blue tri-color ribbon or clothing on August 4th. If nothing else, this simple demonstration of support for our President will provide a counteraction to the negativity that spews forth daily. We can do this. YES WE CAN. YES WE WILL.
In the unlikely story that is America , there's never been anything false about hope.
~Barack Obama
The Conscious Community (TCC) is an informational newsletter focusing on information that has a connection to people of African descent. The Conscious Community e-letter is an activity of 'Imani Is My Foundation' which is a electronic media campaign that promotes the Uplift of People of Afrikan descent. The information posted comes from numerous sources and contributors.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
757 Event - Soul Line Dancing with DJ Seko 7/23/2010
Enjoy Soul line dancing ? Come out and hang out with DJ Seko on 7/23/2010 at DejaBlu Resturant and Lounge in Virginia Beach ! Enjoy live music, great cuisine, and flowing adult beverages from 9:00 pm - 12:00 am and then Party with Seko from 12:00 AM - 2:00 AM. Seko will be doing a YouTube video taping of his line dances "The Hula Slide" & "Electrified By Jesus Slide" as well as playing favorites such as the Mississippi Cha-Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, the Booty Call, The 4 corners, The Janet Jackson, and the Cha-Cha Slide before going into a flurry of Old School Soul, Funk, & Disco classics and todays newest Steppin' and Grooving R&B.
For the Youtube taping of The Hula Slide & Electrified By Jesus slide you are invited to visit the websites that teach these dances to learn them ahead of time ! (Cultural attire encouraged !)
Learn the Hula Slide:
Learn the Electrified By Jesus Slide:
Write the word "Imani" onto a peice of paper. Bring this paper with you to DejaBlu. Show the staff at the door of Deja Blu to be placed upon Seko's gratis guest list ! Party with the Conscious Community and the larger community ! Only Seko's newest soul line dances will be video taped to be distributed online.
DeJa Blu -1910 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA
Featuring delicious "Nawlins" inspired menu selections, original potions and live music daily, dejaBlu brings the Jazz Supper Club groove to the Beach.
For the Youtube taping of The Hula Slide & Electrified By Jesus slide you are invited to visit the websites that teach these dances to learn them ahead of time ! (Cultural attire encouraged !)
Learn the Hula Slide:
Learn the Electrified By Jesus Slide:
Write the word "Imani" onto a peice of paper. Bring this paper with you to DejaBlu. Show the staff at the door of Deja Blu to be placed upon Seko's gratis guest list ! Party with the Conscious Community and the larger community ! Only Seko's newest soul line dances will be video taped to be distributed online.
DeJa Blu -1910 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA
Featuring delicious "Nawlins" inspired menu selections, original potions and live music daily, dejaBlu brings the Jazz Supper Club groove to the Beach.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Professor Griff - 7/24/2010 Norfolk Virginia
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Conscious Tuesdays (Hampton Roads Virginia)
Conscious Tuesdays @ The House of Consciousness
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: The House of Consciousness
Street: 600 West 35th Street (formerly the Self Improvement Center)
City/State/Zip: Norfolk, Virginia, 23508
Phone: 757-748-5940 c/o Brother William
(Begins 07/06/2010 and continues each week - Get Improved !)
The House of Consciousness and The Imani Foundation presents our weekly delve into conscious media materials each Tuesday night from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM @ 600 West 35th Street in Norfolk, Virginia. Watch conscious videos by the likes of Phil Valentine, Dr. Ben, Tony Browder, Ashra & Meri-Ra Kwesi, Dr. Cress Welsing and other sisters and brothers who provide important conscious-raising products. Watch sections of and dissect/discuss Hollywood releases such as Avatar and the Book of Eli and more. Enjoy Underground Movies with meaning (films that Hollywood wants you to ignore) ! Learn, share, and connect with the Conscious Community of Hampton Roads Virginia a.k.a. Nat Turner Nation !
Bring a homie, bring a lover, bring a friend ! The 1st Tuesday of each month will be “Dissect Hollywood” nights. The remaining Tuesdays will feature conscious and Underground media. Enjoy and feel free to legally purchase your copies of the conscious media ! Enjoy healthy snack and drinks for purchase. Donate $1.00 to support the activities of the Imani Foundation ! Be ye improved !
Call the House of Consciousness @ 757-748-5940 as they are open to serve you and to serve us !
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: The House of Consciousness
Street: 600 West 35th Street (formerly the Self Improvement Center)
City/State/Zip: Norfolk, Virginia, 23508
Phone: 757-748-5940 c/o Brother William
(Begins 07/06/2010 and continues each week - Get Improved !)
The House of Consciousness and The Imani Foundation presents our weekly delve into conscious media materials each Tuesday night from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM @ 600 West 35th Street in Norfolk, Virginia. Watch conscious videos by the likes of Phil Valentine, Dr. Ben, Tony Browder, Ashra & Meri-Ra Kwesi, Dr. Cress Welsing and other sisters and brothers who provide important conscious-raising products. Watch sections of and dissect/discuss Hollywood releases such as Avatar and the Book of Eli and more. Enjoy Underground Movies with meaning (films that Hollywood wants you to ignore) ! Learn, share, and connect with the Conscious Community of Hampton Roads Virginia a.k.a. Nat Turner Nation !
Bring a homie, bring a lover, bring a friend ! The 1st Tuesday of each month will be “Dissect Hollywood” nights. The remaining Tuesdays will feature conscious and Underground media. Enjoy and feel free to legally purchase your copies of the conscious media ! Enjoy healthy snack and drinks for purchase. Donate $1.00 to support the activities of the Imani Foundation ! Be ye improved !
Call the House of Consciousness @ 757-748-5940 as they are open to serve you and to serve us !
This is a joint venture involving the House of Consciousness and The Imani Foundation.