The Conscious Community (TCC) is an informational newsletter focusing on information that has a connection to people of African descent. The Conscious Community e-letter is an activity of 'Imani Is My Foundation' which is a electronic media campaign that promotes the Uplift of People of Afrikan descent. The information posted comes from numerous sources and contributors.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Kwanzaa Celebration 12 30 2010-Norfolk
The event's webpage is
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Christmas: --The Sun God, Lies, Deceptions and the Truth
A must read article thoroughly researched and I suggest you do the same. I don't want you to believe what this author or what I have said in the past in my newsletters on this or any other subject. But, I do ask that you do critical research on all the topics to prove us wrong if you can or at least to place some credibility to what you believe. Don't go on what people say, go on what you learn from your own due diligent research.
"It's very clear then, that if Negroes got their conception of religion from slave holders, libertines, and murderers, there may be something wrong about it and it would not hurt to investigate it."
Carter G. Woodson
Narmer (Think With a Unified Brain and Mind)
Asar Gary
"Christmas: --The Sun God, Lies, Deceptions and the Truth"
by Fahim A. Knight
This brief article is on the origin of Christmas and its so-called
correlation to the SUN GOD concept, which the western parable of Jesus
originated; moreover, December 25 is the BIRTH OF THE SUN GOD and in
reality, this fabrication and/or truth has nothing to do with the Historical
and Prophetic man called Jesus (there are actually two Jesus, perhaps
another subject for another time) and this propaganda is continually being
perpetuated in the name of tradition. But the beneficiaries of the Christmas
tradition have always been the merchant class in the United States and
around the world, which accumulates over 75% of their annual gross sales and
financial profits during the month of December.
Allauddin Shabazz in his book titled, "Symbolism, Holidays, Myths and Signs"
The word "Christmas" means "Mass of Christ," or as it came to be shortened,
'Christ-mas.' It came to non-Christians and Protestant from the Roman
Catholic Church. And where did they get it?---NOT from the New
Testament---NOT from the Bible-NOT from the original apostles who were
personally instructed by Christ-but it gravitated in the fourth century into
the Roman Church from paganism"
Tradition reaps in huge monetary gains and that HIDDEN HAND who do not
believe in Christmas or Jesus---THEIR GOD IS MONEY and WE SHOULD CALL THEIR
HOLY "PROFIT" GREED. This writer, wonders do the SUN-DAY School teachers
admonish that the worship of the SUN was replaced with the divinity and
worship of the SON popular associated with the man named Jesus. This article
should not be viewed as an attack on the faith--tradition of Christianity,
But like the Reggae Revolutionary Artist Bob Marley's use to sing "NONE CAN
Allauddin Shabazz book validates this contention relative to the
commercialization and the nonreligious connection Christmas has with the
birth of Jesus; in his small, but powerful book titled, "Symbolism,
Holidays, Myths and Signs" he stated, "Christmas has become a commercial
season. It's sponsored, kept alive, by the heaviest retail advertisement
campaigns of the year. You see a masqueraded "Santa Claus" in many stores.
Ads keep the masses deluded and deceived about the 'beautiful Christmas
spirit.' The newspaper, who sells ads, print flowery editorials exalting and
eulogizing the pagan season, and spirit. Gullible people have become so
inoculated, many take offense when told the truth. But the 'Christmas
spirit' is created each year, not to honor Christ, but to sell merchandise!"
(reference: Symbolism, Holidays, Myths and Signs" by Allauddin Shabazz).
This writer understand and humbly accept that a 4000 word thesis places
serious limitations on a subject of this magnitude where scholars such as:
Gerald Massey, Albert Churchward, E.A. Wallis Budge, Josef Ben Jochannan,
Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Godfrey Higgins, John G.Jackson, Kersey Graves, Cheikh Anta Diop, Manly P. Hall, John Henrik Clarke,Jacob Boehme, Arthur Edward Waite, G.R.S. Mead, Louis H.Spencer, H.G. Wells, H.P. Blavatsky, Ishakamusa Barashango, J.Van
Rijckenborgh, Albert Pike, George Oliver, J.S.M. Ward, etc., have spent many
years researching and writing scholarly treatise on the above subject.
This thumbnail sketch, is by no means, written to represent a definitive and
exhaustive study on the this subject; there are to many links, which expand
the schools of thought of esoteric, religious, philosophical, occult,
metaphysical science and the truth extends to many cultures, far beyond the
limitations of this research could ever begin to address. But it should not
be viewed that the author perhaps does not understand the depth and
complexity of this subject pertaining to Jesus, a god of the Sun and the
origin of Christmas.
E. Curtis Alexander (aka Mwalimu I. Mwadilifu) in an essay titled, "African
Foundations of Christendom" he stated, "Christendom began as a Council of
Bishops in Nicea, a city in Bithynia, in Asia Minor on the southside of the
Black Sea. The Council was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine. Many
events took place at this Council and the formation of many theological and
theosophical doctrines were established such as the Patriarchal doctrine of the Trinity, the name of JESUS, THE Virgin Birth and perhaps the biggest act was making of the Bible.The books that were not canonical at this Council are known to us today as "Lost Books of the Bible' and the 'Forgotten Books of Eden' " (Reference:"African Foundations of Christendom" by E. Curtis Alexander).
In a book compiled by William Josiah Sutton titled, "The Illuminati 666"
stated, "There is no scriptural evidence that supports the Birth of Christ
as being December 25th; but history says December 25th was kept thousands of
years before the Birth of Christ, in honor of the pagan Messiah. Another
name for Tammuz, the pagan-child, was 'Baal-bereth' which means Lord of the
Fir Tree." (Reference: "The Illuminati 666" by William Josiah Sutton).
The majority of the scholarship on this subject totally contradicts the
Christian version of the man known as Jesus Christ, but reaffirms this story
within the scheme of historical and mythological allegory, metaphors,
symbolism, prototypes, similes, etc. There is a sizable amount of precedent
evidence which informs us that the entire story of Jesus, as far as, his
birth, death, resurrection, and ascension were not concepts indigenous to
European cultures, it flourished in that region of the world after they came
in contact with Ancient Egypt (Kemet).They borrowed the Solar God concept
from Egypt.
(Reference: "Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World" by Gerald Massey).
John G. Jackson in his enlighten book titled, "Ethiopia and the Origin of
Civilization" stated, "A study of the images of ancient deities of both the
Old and New Worlds reveals their Ethiopic origin.
Thus is noted by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie in T.A. Buckley's CITIES OF THE
ANCIENT WORLD, p. 180:--'From the wooly texture of the hair, I am inclined
to assign to the Buddha of India, the Fuhi of China, the Sommonacom of the
Siamese, Xaha of the Japanese, the Quetzalcoatl of the Mexicans, the same,
and indeed an African, or rather Nubian, origin.'
Jackson continues on to state, "most of the black gods were regarded as
crucified saviors who died to save mankind by being nailed to a cross, or
tied to a tree with arms outstretched as if on a cross, or slain violently
in some other manner. Of these Crucified SAVIORS, THE MOST PROMINENT WERE
(Reference: "Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization" by John G.
There is an overwhelming of historical evidence that the worship of the SUN
GOD (which was celebrated by many names depending upon the culture and
nation) Jesus was a story of antiquity that had played out on the stage of
human civilization some thousands of years before the birth of Jesus who
lived 2000 years ago and before Constantine concocted and devised the
Christian Creed, which was designed to control how Christianity would be
disseminated, as well as theologically protect the half-truths, distortions,
and outright lies. They lied on Jesus, the Christ. (Reference: "The
Historical Origin of Christianity" by Walter Williams).
Wikipedia online research engine stated, "December 25 was also considered to
be the date of the winter solstice, which the Romans called bruma. It was
therefore the day the Sun proved itself to be "unconquered" despite the
shortening of daylight hours. (When Julius Caesar introduced the Julian
Calendar in 45 BC, December 25 was approximately the date of the solstice.
In modern times, the solstice falls on December 21 or 22.) The Sol Invictus
festival has a "strong claim on the responsibility" for the date of
Christmas, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. Several early Christian
writers connected the rebirth of the sun to the birth of Jesus (sun/Son).
"O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day on which that Sun was
born . . . Christ should be born,"
Anthony Browder in his book titled, "Nile Valley Contributions to
Civilization" he stated, "Ausar, Auset, and Heru is the first story recorded
in history of man of a holy royal family (the Trinity), immaculate
conception, virgin birth and resurrection. Evidence of this Trinity is known
to have exist." (Reference: "Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization" by
Anthony Browder).
H.P. Blavatsky in her monumental book titled, "Isis Unveiled" through
meticulous research traces the original man's history and culture back to
Egypt (Kemet) which all philosophy, science, theology, and in essences human
thought evolved.
Blavatsky stated, "What Egypt (Kemet) taught to others she certainly did not acquire by the international exchange of ideas and discoveries with her Semitic
'The more we learn of the Egyptians (Kemetans),' observes the writer of a recent
article, 'The Marvelous they seem!' From whom could she have learned her
wondrous arts, the secrets of which died with her? She sent no agents
throughout the world to learn what others knew; but to her the wise men of
neighboring nations resorted for knowledge. Proudly secluding herself within
her enchanted domain, the fair queen of the desert created wonders as if by
the sway of a magic staff. 'Nothing" remarks the same writer, whom we shall elsewhere quote, 'proves that civilization and knowledge rise and progress with her in the case of otherpeoples, but everything seems to be referable, in the same perfection, to the earliest dates. That no nation knew as much as herself, is a fact demonstrated by history."
There is no doubt that the story of Jesus was steeped in duality and
shrouded in the mysteries, but the WICKLY WISE, the ten (10) percent who the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad referred to as, "The rich, the slave makers of the
poor, who teach poor lies to believe that the almighty true and living God,
is a spook and cannot be seen with the physical eye. Otherwise known as the
bloodsucker of the poor."
Muhammad further maintained that December 25 was the birthday of Nimrod who
is mentioned in the Bible (Old Testament) he is styled as a mighty hunter
who is in opposition to God and he turned against the teachings of Moses
(the law giver). Nimrod was born 300 years before Christ. Thus, he
manipulated the teachings of Moses and set-up the early pagan empires such
as Greece and Rome. According to the Bible he is the son of Cush. Nimrod
killed his father and married his mother, whose name was Ester, and the
Easter celebration is also tied to advent of Nimrod and the entire SUN GOD
scheme. (Reference: The True History of Elijah Muhammad" Edited by Nasir
Makr Hakim)
Moreover, when Nimrod's wife (his mother) had their first child, he feared
that people would lose respect for him, if they knew he was making babies
through his own mother (it was a secret that they were married) therefore to fool the people Nimrod told people that the Holy Ghost had impregnated his mother. This was beginning of the GREAT LIE told about the birth of Jesus." there is a lot in Muhammad's lesson and was Christmas set-up by non-Christians who do not believe in Jesus Divinity, but has a stronger conviction to manipulate money and play on the theological ignorance of the people.
(Reference: "The History of Nimrod" by Elijah Muhammad).
Manly P. Halls stated, "For reasons which they doubtless considered
sufficient, those who chronicled the life and acts of Jesus found it
advisable to metamorphose him into a solar deity. The HISTORICAL JESUS WAS
FOR GOTTEN; nearly all the salient incidents recorded in the four Gospels
have their correlations in the movement, phases, or functions of the
heavenly bodies. Among other allegories borrowed by Christianity from supposed pagan antiquity is the story of the beautiful, blue-eyed Sun God, with His golden
hair falling upon his shoulders, robed from head to foot in spotless white
and carrying in His arms the Lamb of God, symbolic of the vernal equinox.
This handsome youth is a composite of Apollo, Osiris, Orpheus, Mithras, and
Baccus, for HE has certain characteristics in common with each of these
pagan deities." Manly P. Hall whom this writer considers one of the foremost
free thinkers in the history of mankind and he uncovers and interprets
symbolism, signs and delved into ancient wisdom unlike any other this writer
had read (Reference: "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall).
This next quote is from a book titled, "The Lost Books of the Bible to Jesus
Christ, His Apostles and Their Companions" originally published in 1820 by
William Hone. Most Christians do not know their were some lost books to the
original Bible or perhaps this writer should say that a number of books were
deliberate and intentionally removed from the Bible as an act of deception.
Nevertheless, Hone stated, "Now Herod, perceived that the wise men did delay
and not return to him, called together the priests and wise men and said,
Tell me in what place the Christ should be born? And when they replied, in
Bethlehem, a city of Judea, he began to contrive in his own mind the death
of the Lord Jesus Christ. But an Angel appeared to Joseph in his sleep, and
said, Arise take the child and his mother and go into Egypt as soon as the
cock crows. So he arose, and went."
(Reference: "The Lost Books of the Bible to Jesus Christ" by William Hone).
December 25 had nothing to do with Jesus Birthday in fact his name was
probably more like Yeshua Ben Yosef or Isa Bin Yusuf (Jesus the Son of
Joseph) in accordance to the Amharic and/or Hebrew languages that were
spoken in that region of the world, long before the English language was
even a thought. Jesus was atypical of pagan tradition that evolved around
the sun god concept and there were many more world saviors who had similar
histories of that of Jesus and many of the things we ascribed to Jesus were
actually borrowed from more ancient cultures and civilizations. The birth,
death, resurrection and ascension fables seemed to have been concocted by
money changers and merchants which as stated above, many of them do not
believe in Jesus divinity, but the commercialization and the exploitation of
his name is their only motive. (Reference: "The World's Sixteen Crucified
Saviors" by Kersey Graves).
How then did December 25, become associated with the birth of Jesus Christ?
John King in his monumental work titled, The Celtics Druids:
Seasonal Cycles of the Ancient Celts. King states "In fact, Christ
birth-date was deliberately and artificially set, during the third century
AD, to coincide with, absorb and supersede the pagan festival dedicated to
Saturn. It is not even certain that Christ was born in the winter: many
legends speak of his being born in the spring. The controversy caused by the
switch from the old Julian calendar to the Gregorian persists in the popular
folk story that Christ was actually born on 6 January, and that at midnight
on the eve of that day animals kneel in homage to the Christ child in
mangers and stables. Many of the original customs of the Saturnalia have survived into the Christmas celebrations with remarkable persistence. The theme of the advent and the Virgin Births is, of course, not Celtic or Roman, although there are virgin births in other religions and mythologies."
(Reference: "The Celtics Druids: Seasonal Cycles of the Ancient Celts" by
John King).
King's research points to the fact, that the entire Christmas tradition
perhaps has it roots in pagan tradition (interpret to mean Christmas is a
non-Christian ritual), which ancient people had developed sophisticated
customs and rituals that pre-dated the birth of Jesus. The Ancients charted
the universe sun (son), moon and stars, thus developing agricultural rites that
paid homage to the power of life and death as it was seen in nature (the
Freemasons, Rosicrucian, Elks, Illuminati, Sun Gods of Kemet and quite
naturally the Sun Gods of Ancient Greece and Rome), as well as others have
relied in an interdependent manner on the winter and summer solstice for
ritual justification and theological explanation. Nature dies (winter
months) and it resurrects itself every year (spring time) and all of the
above Societies, as well as Christianity developed elaborate customs and
theological rites giving to some aspect of death and resurrection that was
observed in natural creation. (Reference:
"Secret Societies: Inside The World's Most Notorious Organizations"
by John Lawrence Reynolds).
Moreover, as the earth rotates on her axis the Ancients became infatuated
with the mystique of the winter and summer solstice. The word Sol is a Latin
word meaning Sun and word Stice mean to stand still and in scientific terms
the winter solstice and the summer solstice are one of the ecliptic at which
its distance from the celestial equator is greatest and which is reached by
the Sun each year around June 22nd and December 22nd. In our hemisphere
(North America) December 22, starts winter, in which days get long and nights get
shorter and it was believed by the Ancients that the Sun died during this
time, but the manipulators of truth switched and presented us with the story
of Jesus, the "Son God" and then concocted a story that is very much
inconsistent with the Holy Bible about the events surrounding Jesus birth.
(Reference: Recapturing the African Mind" by Bruce Bridges).
For example, in the book titled, "The Book the Church Doesn't Want You to
Read", edited by Tim C. Leedom. Leedom maintains that, "It is also
noteworthy that during the month of December, Bethlehem and its surroundings
are subject to wintry cold weather, chilling rains, and sometime snow. One
does not find shepherds with their flocks outside at night during that time.
This is not a recent weather phenomenon. all of this indicates that weather
conditions in Bethlehem in December do not fit the Bible's description of
the events connected with the birth of Jesus Christ---Luke 2:8-11."
(Reference: "The Book the Church Doesn't Want You to Read" by Tim C.
Kersey Graves in his book titled, "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors",
wrote about the historical fact that there were at least Sixteen Saviors
that resembled the story attributed to Jesus Christ.
He maintained that all of these world Saviors were born of virgin birth
(immaculate conception), wise men predicted their birth, the heavens roared,
born on December 25, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven. These various
Saviors born on December 25th could be found in Kemet (Egypt), India,
Persia, China, Mexico, Greece, Rome, Germany and all of them represented
aspects of the Sun Gods who were deified long before the man, we came know
as Jesus. It was at the Council of Nicaea (modern day Turkey) on May 20, 325
AD that Constantine and his Biblical scholars conveniently and
systematically set-up Christianity (meaning the establish creed and
doctrine) and in most instance it went contrary and was outright
inconsistent with the original teachings of Jesus.
The two authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas in their book titled,
"The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secrets
Scrolls of Jesus" describes some of the challenges that the non-Christian
Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea faced, "The result of the
Council was the 'Nicene Creed', which sought to reconcile the differences
between various Christian factions and to avoid doctrinal gulfs that had
looked as though they might split the Eastern Church away completely. The
rulings that emerged still provide the basis for most Church establishments
today, covering many points of detail such as when congregations should
stand and when they should sit during services. The central issue, however,
was the problem of whether Jesus Christ was a man or a god, and if he were
indeed a god, what was the precise nature of his divinity."
(Reference: "The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the
Secrets Scrolls of Jesus" by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas).
Also, the entire system of Freemasonry is built on the on the Solar Deity
hypothesis; thus, one can point to the allegorical story of Hiram Abiff
(this story has no Biblical foundation) and he too is a prototype of the SUN
GOD conjecture. Hiram Abiff was considered a Master Builder of King
Solomon's Temple and served as a duality in Operative Masonry (Guild
Masonry-Trade Skills) and Speculative (philosophical) Freemasonry and He is equivalent to Jesus in fact andfiction. Shabazz "Symbols, Holidays, Myths and Signs" stated, "In Masonry the sun has many symbols. One expression of the solar energy is Solomon, whose name Sol-om-on is the name for the supreme light in three different languages. Hiram, the Chiram (Hiram) of the Chalders, is also a color deity, and the story of his attack and murder by three Ruffians."
The circumstances of Hiram Abiff's death transcends earthly reality and
moves into immortality (eternal life and the realm of infinity).
Hiram Abiff was murdered at high noon by three Jewish Ruffians that
conspired to steal his LIGHT (knowledge and wisdom). Death is viewed as
temporary, no different than the changing of the seasons and Jesus life is
styled as the zenith of the concept of immorality (Christians believe that
Christ has ascended to heaven and is sitting on the right hand of the
Father, but will return). Hiram Abiff's fate is only temporary just as all
the other SOLAR DEITIES which life and death is charted by the sun, moon and
stars. Hiram Abiff like Jesus suffered a cruel death and was resurrected (He
was raised from a dead level) from the grave in which he eventually stood Ninety degrees upright as a LIVING PERPENDICULAR ON THE SQUARE.
The Worshipful Master stationed is in the East (there is where the Sun
Rises) and HE is considered the light of the Masonic Lodge and as the
physical sun gives light which to set the earth into rotation, the
Worshipful Master is styled as Wisdom and the Craft should radiate from his
illumination and enlighten coming out of the EAST. The sun as it crosses the meridian sets in the WEST and this is the station of the Senior Warden and HE is styled Strength and in the SOUTH stationed Junior Warden, he is styled as Beauty. (Reference: "Who is Hiram Abiff?" by JSM Ward)
John G. Jackson in his book titled, "Man, God, and Civilization" he stated,
"Interesting relics of ancient sun worship may be observed in the
ceremonies, symbols and ritual of modern Freemasonry. According to Masonic
Tradition, the word of Freemason can be traced back to ancient Egypt. It was
derived from two Egyptian words, 'phee" (the sun) and 'mas' (a child), meaning children of the sun or sons of light; and from this combination we derived the word freemason. A Mason is advised to travel to the East in search of light, for the sun rises in the East. The Masonic initiation rites like those of the ancient mysteries of Egypt, are drama based on the astronomical allegory of the death and resurrection of the sun, and the doctrines of the unity of god and the immortality of man; and these tenets are learned from Dr. Oliver's Dictionary of Symbolic Masonry , that a lodge has their lights situated in the East, the South and the West respectively."
Jackson continues, "They are so placed in allusion to the sun rises in the
East, cross the meridian by way of the south and sets in the West. There is
no light in the North part of the lodge, since the sun directs no rays from
that area. Every Masonic Lodge Should be oriented due East and sets in the
West because the sun, the glory of the Lord, rises in the East and sets in
the West and in the lodge, the Master stands in the East, the Junior Warden
in the South and the Senior Warden in the West, which positions are
representative of sunrise, noon, and sunset, respectively." (Reference:
"Man, God, and Civilization" by John G. Jackson).
Perhaps the most colorful of all the SUN GODS was Osiris of ancient Kemet
and in reality, this writer could have started this topic with Osiris ended
with Osiris because of all the SUN GODS, it was from his legend that all
other legends sprung. The Christianity Trinity perhaps originated in ancient
Egypt long before Jesus the Christ. Osiris, Isis and Heru-is the father, son, and the holy ghost. These ancients' tales were derived from agriculture and fertility festival rites. Osiris had a jealous brother names Seth (Satan) who conspired against him in a vicious plot to take his life just as the Cain and Able story of your Christian Bible.
Seth succeeded in murdering his righteous and innocent brother moreover,
cutting his body-up in 14 pieces and depressed the pieces in the river to be
ever lost. But Osiris had a zealous sister named Nephthys who desired to
search the river in order to find Osiris to reconstruct his body. She found
Osiris' body, some historians say that she found his body in pieces
scattered throughout the vast river with the exception of his penis. Osiris'
sex organ was forever lost. The Egyptian started constructing the obelisk symbols as duplication of Osiris lost penis. Osiris being associated in the larger scheme of the sun. However, there are many different slants to the Osiris myth.
Fahim A. Knight Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in
Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of
good will of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the
symbolisms and reinterpret the hidden meanings behind those who operate as
invisible forces, but covertly rule the world. We are of the belief that an
enlighten world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of
ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is
speaking truth to power.
Fahim A. Knight can be reached at
Fahim A. Knight
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
August 4th Celebrate & Support the President
In the face of contrary evidence, “Birthers” rant that the President is not a US citizen and should be removed from office. Once closed by Senator Barry Goldwater, the “father” of modern conservatism, the Republican leadership has opened the doors of their party to the John Birch Society and other reactionary extremists. With cries of wanting to “take back OUR country” and “we want OUR America back,” the Tea Partiers clearly tell us that there is no room for his (The President’s) kind in their America – at least not in a position of leadership or Presidential Authority. Who remembers someone ever disrespectfully calling out “You Lie!” to either of the Bushes, Reagan, Ford or Nixon in the chambers of the US House of Representatives or someone openly carrying a loaded weapon to one of their political events?
For years our borders have been as porous as cheesecloth, but suddenly critics tell us the Administration is failing to live up to its responsibility to quell the flow of immigrants from our southern border. Without questioning the impact of our non-existent northern border on illegal immigration, reactionary responses from municipal to state governments tell us that if “Obama won’t do anything, we’ll stop these Mexicans from coming here.”
Living up to expectations, the actions of Fox News have denigrated from constant criticism of President Obama to their appeal, by the likes of Beck, to the basest elements in society to “revolt” against the oppressor Obama or to “spill the blood of tyrants to water the tree of Liberty .” Disappointingly, most mainstream media just turned its attention and focus to President Obama’s critics, while excluding a balanced assessment of the political landscape.
That having been said, there are millions out here who support the reasoned and measured approach of the President. We understand from the evidence he presents daily that he has an extraordinary, almost encyclopedic understanding of issues impacting this nation and the world. We see him lauded by his peers around the world as a “thinker” or as a no-nonsense leader who understands, and can articulate, the positions of friends and adversaries alike. While not addressing or achieving goals the way the media “puppeteers” would choose, HE GETS THE JOB DONE!!!
An overwhelming number of Americans elected President Obama and millions still support him, but too many of us do so silently. If the progressive agenda we elected the President to achieve is to be successful, we must help the President achieve it. We cannot allow the media to report from negative positions without challenge. Just as others demonstrate their hatred and disrespect of President Obama, we must actively demonstrate our support.
We call on ALL who support President Obama to take action. On August 4th, the President’s birthday, we ask those who support him to wear any campaign item from the Presidential election as a demonstration of our ongoing support. Bring out your old campaign paraphernalia.
If you don’t have caps, buttons or tee shirts, wear a red, white, and blue tri-color ribbon or clothing on August 4th. If nothing else, this simple demonstration of support for our President will provide a counteraction to the negativity that spews forth daily. We can do this. YES WE CAN. YES WE WILL.
In the unlikely story that is America , there's never been anything false about hope.
~Barack Obama
Friday, July 16, 2010
757 Event - Soul Line Dancing with DJ Seko 7/23/2010
For the Youtube taping of The Hula Slide & Electrified By Jesus slide you are invited to visit the websites that teach these dances to learn them ahead of time ! (Cultural attire encouraged !)
Learn the Hula Slide:
Learn the Electrified By Jesus Slide:
Write the word "Imani" onto a peice of paper. Bring this paper with you to DejaBlu. Show the staff at the door of Deja Blu to be placed upon Seko's gratis guest list ! Party with the Conscious Community and the larger community ! Only Seko's newest soul line dances will be video taped to be distributed online.
DeJa Blu -1910 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA
Featuring delicious "Nawlins" inspired menu selections, original potions and live music daily, dejaBlu brings the Jazz Supper Club groove to the Beach.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Professor Griff - 7/24/2010 Norfolk Virginia
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Conscious Tuesdays (Hampton Roads Virginia)
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: The House of Consciousness
Street: 600 West 35th Street (formerly the Self Improvement Center)
City/State/Zip: Norfolk, Virginia, 23508
Phone: 757-748-5940 c/o Brother William
(Begins 07/06/2010 and continues each week - Get Improved !)
The House of Consciousness and The Imani Foundation presents our weekly delve into conscious media materials each Tuesday night from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM @ 600 West 35th Street in Norfolk, Virginia. Watch conscious videos by the likes of Phil Valentine, Dr. Ben, Tony Browder, Ashra & Meri-Ra Kwesi, Dr. Cress Welsing and other sisters and brothers who provide important conscious-raising products. Watch sections of and dissect/discuss Hollywood releases such as Avatar and the Book of Eli and more. Enjoy Underground Movies with meaning (films that Hollywood wants you to ignore) ! Learn, share, and connect with the Conscious Community of Hampton Roads Virginia a.k.a. Nat Turner Nation !
Bring a homie, bring a lover, bring a friend ! The 1st Tuesday of each month will be “Dissect Hollywood” nights. The remaining Tuesdays will feature conscious and Underground media. Enjoy and feel free to legally purchase your copies of the conscious media ! Enjoy healthy snack and drinks for purchase. Donate $1.00 to support the activities of the Imani Foundation ! Be ye improved !
Call the House of Consciousness @ 757-748-5940 as they are open to serve you and to serve us !
Thursday, June 24, 2010
African and Caribbean Culture Camp 2010
6 weeks of African and Caribbean Culture June 28 – August 6, 2010
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Steel Pans, African Drumming, Dancing, Creative Writing, Personal Development, Performance Arts, Art Show/Contest, Camp Tee-shirts, Field Trips, Qi-Gong / Exercise class, Weekly performances and 2 grand Performance Galas.
Cost is $ 250 per child. Scholarships are available.
St. James Episcopal Church
928 Effingham Street
Portsmouth, VA 23704
Contact Camp Celebration / Urban Arts Center at 399 – 0925
(757) 399-0925/Fax (757)399-2642/
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Libation Walk (757 Event)
Date: Sunday June 20, 2010
Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Repeat: This event repeats annually on the third Sunday of June.
Location: Mt. Trashmore, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Street: 310 Edwin Drive
City/State/Zip: Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23462
Wall of Return Dedication 6/23/2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
BWI Airport Marriott
6:00pm - General Reception
Dear Friends and Supporters of African American Family Heritage,
It is our honor to invite you and your family to join us at the Wall of Return (Africa) Project Dedication Dinner on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at the BWI Airport Marriott in Baltimore, Maryland. The Wall of Return is a memorial project created by Eric Sheppard, president and CEO of Diversity Restoration Solutions, an international trade development firm focused on U.S.-Africa trade and cultural relations. The dinner is part of the annual 2010 Africa Business Conference for U.S. and African small businesses.
The project, which began almost 3 years ago, will serve as a way to symbolically return home to Africa the names of our enslaved and freed African diaspora ancestors who were part of the transatlantic slave trade beginning over 400 years ago. The Wall will also serve as the 21st century healing response to the "Doors of No Return" that many of our ancestors walked through at slave castles and holding facilities throughout West Africa. Individuals who purchased name space to support the project will also be listed on the Wall and recognized at the dinner.
Our guest speaker will be Her Excellency Amina Salum Ali, Ambassador for the African Union Mission in Washington, DC. The African Union represents 53 member African states and is headquartered in Addis Abba, Ethiopia. Ambassador Ali, a friend and supporter of our reconnection efforts, will be welcoming the Wall of Return project to the continent of Africa.
As many of you know, our passion for family history, genealogy and recognizing the contributions of our enslaved ancestors does not start with this dedication dinner, but has been consistent for almost 10 years ago with the discovery of an enslaved ancestor named Moses Grandy and formation of our former nonprofit, Slave Descendants Freedom Society, Inc.
You may have also attended our annual slavery symposiums, which educated the general public on the legacy of African American slave history, attended a lecture on genealogy and family history or had your child participate in our Children's History Club. But overall, it was the inspiration, courage and tenacity that Eric received from Moses Grandy’s documented legacy and accomplishments which makes this project possible today.
Tickets are available for $60.00 per person or a table of 10 sponsorship for $600.00 with premium location seating for your group. Tickets are on sale now at and will be available through June 15th or until sold out. Space is limited. Please call us immediately if you plan to purchase a table so that your name can be included in our dinner program booklet.
For more information, contact us at (757) 484-0906 or email us at . We hope you will be able to help us celebrate at this historic occasion, and please feel free to share with others who might be interested in attending as well. If you are not able to attend, please continue to keep the project and our Africa reconnection efforts in your thoughts and prayers.
Eric and Lisa Sheppard
Diversity Restoration Solutions
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Conscious Community 06 05 2010 (Roman Calendar)
On May, 31st, 2010 the Khildren of Southampton took time out to pay homage to an Afrikan Memorial Day. Exactly 89 years ago in Tulsa, OK, hundreds of Afrikans were murdered at the hands of whites during one of the most notorious Race Wars of this country's bloody history. If you missed our Afrikan Memorial Service on Harambee Radio show yesterday evening, we have posted it on our Archives page. . Listen and find out why the only thing that has changed is the Black Family!
2) The Black Panthers & The Tea Party
This article is an excellent response to a very weak article put out by The Root comparing the Black Panther Party to the Tea Party. I was three years old when I watched my father, mother, and three-week-old baby brother nearly murdered in a hail of bullets during a police raid on our home in September 1973. My father, Robert Seth Hayes, was a member of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and ever since that day some 37 years ago, he has been a political prisoner in the state of New York. So when I read Cord Jefferson’s article, “Is the Tea Party the New Black Panther Party?” on The, I could not help but remember, and relive, the pain and trauma of that day. I also became frustrated and angry because Jefferson’s article is ahistorical and continues the tradition of attacking the Party and misrepresenting its history and legacy. What’s more, it does so in a forum that prides itself on getting African American history correct.
Jefferson begins his piece predictably, by drawing on caricatures of the Party – images of armed, angry, Black men going to war against the US government, Read more here: .
3) Self Improvement Center becomes The House of Consciousness
Peace my peoples!!!!! We have been in talks to take the landmark bookstore (you know who) on 35th street to a new level. We have finally succeeded!!! We are changing the name to The House of Consciousness. (we had to) We will be open by friday and do a grand opening on Monday. The doors are open to the entire community!!! We are going to do the same things and little more. Give me a call at 757-748-5940 757-748-5940. The House of Consciousness - 600 W 35th street, Norfolk, VA 23508
4) Juneteenth from two sides of the coin
(B) 2010 JUNETEENTH'VA FESTIVAL, Saturday, June 19, 2010
12noon - 6pm @ Dr. Clarence V. Cuffee Community Center
2019 Windy Road, Chesapeake, VA 23324 757.648.8549
5) Line Dance with DJ Seko
DJ Seko, of Positive Vibes DJs & The Imani Foundation, shoots a video for his new Gospel line dance song Sunday June 13th, 2010 from 4:00 - 5:30 PM at C.C.U. 6049 Indian River Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (Church next to Hardees).
6) The NOI's FOI & The Secret Service
By H. Khalif Khalifah
MAY 31, 2010
SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA - The dynamic word within the Great Issue of Reparations is DEMAND. Demand implies that if you don’t receive a positive response there will be consequences for the Nation that the demand is made on. In short, not caring about consequences is the basic reason why “the powers that be,” are turning a deaf eat to the great work of N’COBRA and other proponents of Reparations for Black people, at home and abroad, at this time in history. “The powers that be” at the rulers of the nation called the United States of America.
As an Elder and Pioneer in N’COBRA and the “modern Reparations movement,” I offer the following as food for thought to the National Black Community in general, but in particular to the delegates to our Annual Conference in New Orleans this June 25 - 27.
All persons joining should understand and agree, that at the founding of N’COBRA “The First Priority Mission” was to educate the masses about the National Black Communities right to Reparations. That was some 20 years ago. While the education process MUST continue unabated, for obvious reasons, all information I am reading about Reparations today is still within the frame of the First Priority Mission: I believe if we upgrade the “priority mission,” we’ll find appropriate strategies to back up the Demand and get the job done. Less we forget, the “done job” is to win and not to just show our profound evidence and explain our understanding about the case for Reparations.
With the understanding that there are some legitimate, credible reasons why some Reparations advocates feel all that is needed to win Reparations is to simply lay out the case for Reparations: that layer upon layers of both, historical and current evident, will be enough to get the job done, a certain degree of understanding of the knowledge about to WHOM our demand for Reparations is made will give us the Wisdom to understand this is not sufficient to get the job done.
The implication in the Demand for Reparations is there will be consequences if we are not paid. If the Criminal Nation, i.e. the U. S. A., consisted of a citizenry of good, moral, enlightened, sorrowful people about the “Crime Against Humanity” their Nation is guilty of, laying out the evidence in our case for Reparations would certainly be sufficient. A good, moral, enlightened, sorrowful people would apologize and go into good faith negotiations to seek a remedy that will effectively get them amends for the ill, criminal behavior of it’s government: the DEMAND would be met.
However, the above is evidently not being the case (the USA does not consist of enough good, moral, enlightened, sorrowful people): it is also certain that more needs to be done than letting our profound, unquestioned CASE/EVIDENCE to Reparations IMPLY what we will do: Clearly the Rulers of America give no indication they will accede to the overwhelming evidence. Any criminal facing this “small mountain of evidence” (a favorite expression of Pro. J. H. Clarke) would plead guilty and negotiate for a favorable punishment. THAT IS, a criminal who has a fear of consequences for what will happen when the case is properly prosecuted.
What will Black people do to back up our demand for Reparations: clearly, we must move from the process of laying out the case/evidence to building strategies/systems to back up the demand. But what, and how do we proceed to find strategies?
“With the understanding that all political remedies within the system are known or have been tried; AND with the understanding that our economic potential is known or have been tried; AND with the understanding that all legal remedies within the system are known or have been tried; AND with the understanding that the cultural good health of Afrikan people is known or have been recovered; AND with the understanding that the military power and might of Afrikan people is known or have been effectively used in the past; THEREFORE, at the 9th Annual Reparations Convention, in Hampton, Virginia, June 26-26 & 28, 1998, N’COBRA will bring together all of the known and as many of the unknown elements as possible to derive the wisdom needed to frame the FINAL DEMAND on the USA to pay our Reparations…”
The above was made in my report to the N’COBRA National Board of Directors in preparation to host the 9th N’COBRA Conference in 1998. While some great, dynamic resolutions were passed and implemented at the convention/conference (Lifetime Membership, Economic Development Commission & addition of Black Farmers to the itemized Demands for Reparations, Sister Dorothy Lewis elected National Co-Chair and etc.), exploring ways to “back up the demand,” was not found or deliberated on.
The information is presented here as a possible place where we may well begin to formulate a workable/possible ULTIMATUM to back up our demand for Reparations. The only caution that I offered in my statement was that the ultimatum be within the capability of N’COBRA. It must be characterized to reflect the membership; not to sell “wolf tickets” to impress anyone. What was not possible under the old leadership may well be possible under the new leadership of N’COBRA.
However, the leadership of my time felt that the membership of that time would not support an ultimatum. Hopefully in 2010 this fact has changed and a consensus can evolve out of the deliberations by the generation that is charged with finding the next Priority Mission to enforce our Demand for Reparations.
H. Khalif Khalifah is a Black nationalist Journalist who lives in Southampton County, Virginia. A member of N’COBRA since 1991; he served 6 years on the National Board of Directors of N’COBRA during the 1990’s; was the Liaison of N’COBRA to the Million Man March; is the author 15 books about Black people in the Liberation Struggle, including “A Brief History About N’COBRA and the Reparations Movement.” To contact Khalifah: or
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
This is an original 1865 print by Thomas Nast, one of the most popular artists of the 1800's. It is one of the most touching and dramatic of all Civil War Art of Negro Soldiers, and one of my personal favorites. The print shows a Union Buffalo Soldier who lost his leg in the Civil War. He is standing in his Union uniform, and is supported by crutches. He has lost his leg well above his knee. Lady Liberty stands by the soldier, with her hand tenderly placed upon his shoulder. She is looking out of the picture and pointing to him with her other hand, as if to ask, "what shall we do with this man". At the time this print was made, the Nation was struggling to deal with the "freemen". This print presents the perspective that the Negro, along with the white man, had served bravely in the war, and deserved to be fully recognized for his heroism. In the background is a tattered US flag, and inscribed on the flag are battles such as Fort Pillow and Fort Wagner, which were battles in which Buffalo Soldiers played a particularly important role.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Conscious Community 05 27 2010
(2) UnBlackmanlike Conduct:
Please join Positive Kemetic Visions (PKV) on Saturday, June 5, 2010 at 3:30p.m. at The C.H.I.L.D. Center - 202 Riggs Road N.E. Washington, D.C. 20010 as we discuss the Black athletes in a lecture titled Black Athletes: UnBLACKmanlike Conduct featuring “KUSH, The Black Unifier.” You do not want to miss this event. PKV is only able to continue this “communiversity” through your consistent love and attendance. Positive Kemetic Visions is a proactive community based Afrikan-centered movement committed to the absolute self-determination and empowerment of Black people throughout the world.
For tickets/info call (202) 207-7886 or 7892 or email us at .
(3) Community Pulse
• Meet and greet members of organizations in the news
National Naval Officers Association
Continental Societies
Virginia Caribbean-American Cultural Association
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa
Hampton Roads Committee of 200+ Men & other organizations•
Meet community servants of the month
Ornita Bouie in the "Youth Spotlight" Earl P. Fraley "In the Limelight" •
Announce your organization's news and events•
Pick up free copies of Hampton Roads Gazeti for your family, friends, colleagues• Enjoy entertainment •
Dine on catered hors d'oeuvres ($10/person)•
Keep your fingers on the pulse of the community!
Tuesday, June 1st 5:00-7:00 p.m.
The Royal Courtyard329 Birchwood Park Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23452757-431-0045
(4) 2010 JUNETEENTHVA FESTIVAL - Saturday, June 19, 2010, 12noon - 6pm
Dr. Clarence V. Cuffee Community Center 2019 Windy Road, Chesapeake, VA 23324 - 757.648.8549 - JuneteenthVA celebrates the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation & the end of slavery in America. We use local Hampton Roads, VA history to look back & foster healing w/o shame or blame.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
New 757 Ancestor - Edith R. Jones
The organization says Edith R. Jones passed away early Tuesday at the hospital.
Jones had served as executive director and then President/CEO since 1991, but she spent more than 40 years with the group.
The Southeastern Tidewater Opportunity Project was created in 1965 to provide programs and activities for low income individuals and families in Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and the counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton.
Monday, May 17, 2010
(757 Event) - Gospel Skate-A-Thon 6.13.10
Come on out bring your family and friends,groups, load up the vans and the church bus. We are going to have a ball. We will have local talent performing, it's going to be great!!!!.
Tickets are available NOW!!
Call me today.. $8 donation. (757) 479-4399 Group rates are available..
Please feel free to forward the flier to anyone or organizations that may be interested.
KR Music,
Wendy 757-479-4399
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Small Business Camp for Teens
On Saturday, May 15th, 2010 at 9am EST, students from around the world will log-in to to view and participate in an all day "live" webcast that will teach the fundamentals of growing a summer business. Andrew Morrison, president of Small Business Camp, and Stacie Grant from C&G Enterprises have partnered again to bring this event online.
"With over 3,000 high school students dropping out each day, I wanted to use entrepreneurship as a way to motivate teens to stay in school. There is also an increase in criminal activity during the summer months. I hope to encourage young people to focus their attention on legitimate business activities," said Andrew Morrison, lead instructor for Small Business Camp for Teens.
Students and parents can attend this all day event at no-cost. They need only an internet-connected computer and a FaceBook account. Several business executives have signed-up as mentors to facilitate break-out sessions during the day and make presentations. Online marketing, sales techniques, team-building skills and financial statements are a few of the topics that will be covered.
Brian Allen from New Rochelle High School said "I want to start my own t-shirt company. Thanks to Mr. Morrison for arranging a day for students to hear from successful business owners. I'm looking to get paid big time this summer!"
"My son, Joshua, and I are excited to learn about teen entrepreneurship opportunities. We'll be joining the Internet broadcast from Germany. I'm an MBA student and author of a soon-to-be published book for military moms. My son is a great artist and writer himself and is illustrating a book for black history month for our military community as well. What a great place to be! My husband and I agree that igniting the spirit of business ownership in our boys at an early age is exactly the kind of legacy we want to leave behind," said Ms. C. Simone Rivers, a parent.
WHAT: "Small Business Camp for Teens" Delivers All-Day Webcast. Teens learn how to start a summer business via an Internet video broadcast. Social media tools will be used to educate and connect the students to business opportunities and mentors.
WHY: Research shows that during the summer months students lose nearly 70% of what they were taught during the school year. "Small Business Camp for Teens" plans to reverse that trend by encouraging students to engage in service projects and business ideas that reinforce their academic lessons.
WHEN: Saturday, May 15th from 9am EST until 5pm EST
WHO: Andrew Morrison is the founder of Small Business Camp - an entrepreneurial training, coaching and consulting firm. Previously he built a multi-million dollar company by providing innovative direct marketing services to Fortune 500 companies. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show - "Young Millionaires" and was featured in The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Network Journal, Crain's Magazine 40 Under 40, and Advertising Age. The Direct Marketing Association awarded Andrew the prestigious Young Direct Marketer of the Year Award. In February 2007, he trained 1,200 entrepreneurs in Nigeria, West Africa. Andrew recently completed his first book entitled, "21 Questions That Can Build Your Business in 90 Days."
Small Business Camp
(FREE Seminar-By-Phone on Turning Concepts to Cash in 16 weeks (r))
Andrew Morrison, President
Small Business Camp
70 Devonshire Rd.
New Rochelle, NY 10804
914-633-0725 - voice
914-206-3947 - fax
Connect with me in the world of social media at:
Monday, May 3, 2010
Cathy Hughes & Farrakhan 5-9-2010
Raised in a highly-disciplined and spiritual household in Roxbury, Massachusetts, by his mother, a native of St. Kitts, Louis Eugene Walcott learned early the value of work, responsibility and intellectual development. As a boy, his mother engaged him in conversations that focused on the Black struggle, justice and equality.
As a young man, Walcott was known as “The Charmer” and he achieved fame in Boston as a vocalist, calypso singer, dancer and violinist. In February 1955, while visiting Chicago for a musical engagement, he was invited to attend the Nation of Islam's Saviours' Day convention. Although music had been his first love, within one month after joining the Nation of Islam in 1955, Minister Malcolm X told the New York Mosque , that Elijah Muhammad had said that all Muslims would have to get out of show business or get out of the Temple. Walcott, who had adopted the name Louis X as a new convert, chose to dedicate his life to the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Later renamed Louis Farrakhan, he has since traveled the world sharing his gospel, values and beliefs. Many of his successes have included the 1979 founded The Final Call, an internationally circulated newspaper, his 1993 book A Torchlight for America and 1995’s Million Man March.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fresh water.. Passing of Dr. Benjamin Hooks
Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks was among the greatest Americans of the 20th century. A crusading lawyer who fought against oppression and a courageous, committed organizer who used communication to move mountains -- Dr. Hooks lifted the Civil Rights movement, breaking down racial barriers.
But above all else, he was a believer -- a believer in righteousness, justice and truth.
I'll never forget being a young organizer, watching Dr. Hooks address the '93 March on Washington. He stood there in front of the Washington Monument in his blue blazer and starched white shirt. In my eyes, Dr. Hooks was Superman. For those of us who came of age in the '70s and '80s, he was the most visible advocate for civil and human rights, the man who dared to push corporate America to opens doors to people who looked like us.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Hooks family in this tragic time. Will you take a moment to share your stories or sympathies with them?
As we grieve over the loss of this incredible individual, we must remember to be thankful for the legacy he leaves behind and continue to honor Dr. Hooks by fighting with 'truth, justice and righteousness on our side.'
Yesterday, we lost a hero, a patriot and above all a friend. But in Dr. Hooks' passing his legacy remains -- a legacy that will improve the lives of generations to come.
Share your stories or sympathies with the Hooks family:
Benjamin Todd Jealous
President and CEO
“We are here to honor the godfather of the NAACP and the civil rights movement,” said Benjamin Todd Jealous, president and CEO of the national NAACP.
“He was a judge, an author, a theologian, a broadcaster, and a soldier,” said Memphis Mayor A C Wharton. “He was a Renaissance man of the Civil Rights Movement -- that was Dr. Benjamin Hooks.”
“Ben helped to liberate not just a people, but a nation,” said U.S. Rep. John Lewis, from Georgia. “Ben Hooks was a warrior!”
The crowd that packed the church included those who had joined that liberation struggle with Hooks, who was the first black criminal court judge in Tennessee, and the first black person appointed to the federal communications commission. He also led the national NAACP for 15 years.
“I have lifelong memories of a giant,” said Maxine Smith, executive secretary of the Memphis branch of the NAACP for many years. “We were partners in the struggle, and lifelong friends. He will never really leave us because so much of him is still with us.”
Activist and entertainer Dick Gregory said that struggle was part of Hooks’ legacy.
“That struggle, the liberation of the masses – that voice that went around the world,” said Gregory.
Even the White House mourned the loss of that voice, sending a representative to the funeral who offered condolences from President Barack Obama.
But those who knew and loved Hooks believe the loss is only temporary.
“Ben didn’t leave us, he just went ahead of us,” said Michael Hooks Sr.
Friday, April 16, 2010
(757 Event) Black Men’s Health Forum
NFL great Bruce Smith serves as the Honorary Chair of the 2010 African American Men’s Health Forum and WVEC-TV 13 News Morning and Noon Anchor LaSalle Blanks and WKUS-FM Kiss 105.3 radio personality DJ Big Dose will serve as the Masters of Ceremonies. The keynote address will be delivered by Norfolk Circuit Court Judge Jerrauld Jones. The event will also feature an array of free health screenings, an advocacy and legislative brief by Virginia Delegates Algie T. Howell and Kenneth C. Alexander, a free luncheon, numerous exhibitors, a wealth of health literature, and free parking. The free medical screenings offered include blood pressure, blood glucose, oral cancer and HIV screenings. Additionally, vouchers will also be available for free prostate examinations.
Plenary sessions offered include in-depth review of such important health issues as Health Disparities, conducted by Norfolk State University Professor Howard Duncan, Ph.D.; Surviving Prostate Cancer, a revealing personal story by Charles W. Hill, Founding Member and 1st President, Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum; Colon Cancer and Nutrition, presented by cancer survivor and gastroenterologist Bruce Waldholtz, M.D.; and Prostate Cancer: A Medical Perspective, featuring medical oncologist Mark T. Fleming, M.D.
Forum Chairperson and motivational speaker Ed Sykes will end the forum with a call to action for the men to take care of their health. “I was emotionally moved when I saw these men start lining up at 7:30 a.m. for the 8 a.m. health screenings at our last forum,” said Ed Sykes. “These are men from all social-economic backgrounds wanting to improve the quality of life for themselves, for their families, for their communities.” "I am looking forward to sharing new health innovations while adding the advocacy portion to our program so that the men can take advantage of the new Health Care Laws."
The African American Men’s Health Forum is sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation, Bon Secours Health Systems of Hampton Roads, Sentara Healthcare Systems, Virginia Oncology Associates, WVEC-TV, WKUS-FM, and the New Journal & Guide. Onsite registration begins promptly at 8:15 a.m., but advance registration is strongly encouraged. Participants can register online at , by clicking the “Register Now” button. For further information and to telephone registration, call the American Cancer Society at 757-493-7962.
African-American Men's Health Forum 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Check-in begins at 8:15 a.m.
Programs begins at 10:50 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
The New Student Center at Norfolk State University
700 Park Avenue, Norfolk, Va.
The Forum Directions Schedule Registration Speakers & Panelists Sponsors Resources
Death rates are higher among African American men. Be empowered to live a longer, healthier life! Presented by the American Cancer Society, this event is FREE—including health screenings, health information, lunch, prizes, and parking.
The Imani Foundation
Friday, March 19, 2010
TEXAS Text books
-----Original Message-----From: Ed Tellis
[Attachment(s) from Ed Tellis included below]
Not sure what African Americans and Latinos are doing in Texas, but this does not look good. We need to start taking names and use some of their tactics. Can you believe with all the hell minorities were catching, the panthers are listed in books for our kids to study as violent when they got tired of getting beat up on? This is sick!
Dr. McLeroy pushed through a change to the teaching of the civil rights movement to ensure that students study the violent philosophy of the Black Panthers in addition to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s nonviolent approach. He also made sure that textbooks would mention the votes in Congress on civil rights legislation, which Republicans supported.
“Republicans need a little credit for that,” he said. “I think it’s going to surprise some students.”
Efforts by Hispanic board members to include more Latino figures as role models for the state’s large Hispanic population were consistently defeated, prompting one member, Mary Helen Berlanga, to storm out of a meeting late Thursday night, saying, “They can just pretend this is a white America and Hispanics don’t exist.”
Thursday, March 18, 2010
“The Afrikan Presence in the Americas-60,000 Years Ago”
Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1pm-4pm at the Blyden Branch Library
879 E. Princess Anne Rd , Norfolk , VA
Contact: Kwasi Imhotep, , 757-338-5828
The past year has been a very disappointing one for the image of BLACK MEN. Support for our beloved President, Barack Obama, is falling in the polls. Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, is accused of causing the singer's death. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has been charged with an attempted bombing aboard an airlines jet on Christmas Day. Golfer Tiger Woods' reputation is in ruins. And now, the movie Precious features a Black father who twice rapes and impregnates his daughter.
Black men were the first men on earth, the fathers of the human race and the progenitors of civilization. Yet, today all we hear about is Black male crime, violence and irresponsibility. The full story of the Black male must be told.
Our program, When Black Men Ruled the World, presents the great Black pharaohs, generals, scientists, artists, priests and inventors of ancient times. It focuses on the Black male legacy to provide hope, inspiration and pride for the Black race (and all of humanity) in the modern world.
*** Did you know that Black Africans sailed to America thousands of years before Columbus?
If your answer to any of the above questions is No, then, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Today THE CLEGG SERIES offers two exciting products. The first is a powerful BLACK HISTORY PROGRAM. A DVD with a Supplemental guide that teaches you about the GREAT CONTRIBUTIONS of Black people in world history. The second are three unique and historic T-Shirts featuring President Barack Obama as a powerful figure in African and African American History.
These products are great for BLACK HISTORY MONTH and all other occasions. The DVD is also perfect for any gathering—church, school, libraries, conferences, or just for your family to view in the privacy of your home.
Order THE CLEGG SERIES now and learn about yourself and BLACK people. Call now TOLL FREE: 800-788-CLEGG or order at our website, .
Very sincerely yours,
Legrand H. Clegg II
Legrand H. Clegg II
Chief Executive Officer