Wednesday, October 31, 2012

LeRoy Homer, Jr. - One of our Black 911 Heroes written out of history

How many knew about the black pilot who crashed his plane in Shanksville , PA Sept 11, 2001?

Maybe not his name or history, but just knew that the pilot was an educated black man who was married and a father? The short bio below will bring us all up to date as to who he was. We should all know and care!
LeRoy Homer, Jr.

In September, America marked the tenth anniversary of 9/11. A tragedy that seems as if it only happened a short while ago. One thing that some people might observe and question is what the impact of 9/11 was on African Americans who bravely gave their lives for our country. The majority of 9/11 media focus has been on white families and white children.Leroy Wilton Homer Jr. was an African-American first officer operating the flight that tragically fell in an act of terrorism in Shanksville , PA on Sept. 11, 2001. Pilot Homer's plane was the 4th attacked that day.

The Long Island, New York native dreamed of flying as a child. He was only 15 years old when he started flight instruction in a Cessna 152. By the time he was 18, Homer had obtained his private pilot's license. That same year, he joined the Air Force and became a second lieutenant. He served in Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield and later supported efforts in Somalia . During his tenure, Homer was named the 21st Air Force Air Crew Instructor of the Year. Homer achieved the rank of captain before his honorable discharge from active duty in 1995.

For his actions on board Flight 93, Homer received many posthumous awards and citations, including honorary membership in the historic Tuskegee Airmen, the Congress Of Racial Equality's (CORE) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, the SCLC Drum Major for Justice Award and the Westchester County Trailblazer Award.

Ironically, Homer was depicted by a white actor in the film, United 93, the drama that told the story of the passengers and crew, their families on the ground and the flight controllers on the day of the attacks.  (Was there no one who protested?  As we know, there are several young light skin Black actors who could have very well played the part.)

Homer is survived by his wife, Melodie (and no, she is NOT white), and daughter, Laurel. Time magazine last week published Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience, a photo-rich commemorative edition dedicated to 9/11's tenth anniversary. No identifiable African Americans are pictured in its 64 pages. (This is how we get systematically removed from history.)

America STILL just does not get it. There are two kinds of sins: sins of omission and sins of commission. Let's acknowledge and honor LeRoy Homer, Jr. for outstanding accomplishments and heroic deeds. Let's not permit society to ignore this fallen hero. Please share this message with your family and friends.

Seven Steps To An African Global Order

Greetings Family
Many of you know that I am author of over 2 dozen books.  I always considered THE ROAD TO POWER: Seven Steps to an African Global Orderto be the best of them all.  I am concerned that not enough of those that the book was intended to empower even know it exists.  The seven chapters in this book are awesome research dissertations that put so much of what is happening within the world into context:
  1. Marcus Garvey - Race First
  2. The Remaking of World Order
  3. What Happened to the Black Revolution?
  4. Blacks and Hollywood: Theft of the African Identity
  5. 666, the Internet and the Rise of the Anti-Christ
  6. A New Sankofa for Black Youth
  7. The World is Mine
So I want you to check it out.  I am pricing the eBook for half price for three days, only $5.  In addition I throwing in two hours of bonus audio discussion of the book in context of 10 years of change since it was first released.  I surprise myself in the accuracy by which I forecast major trends that have taken place since its publication.  BUT, because we did not implement strategies based upon these forecasts, we continue to see societal and community degradation taking place at an even faster pace.
It's getting time to float the life rafts (Kujichagulia Villages) and abandon the ship of accommodating to a degenerating society while we still can muster sufficient resources to get these jobs done.
Get the book TODAY or no later than Monday October 22nd.  You will not regret understanding this critical research.

The Road To Power: Seven Steps To An African Global Order


About this item:

Along our journey through history from the dawn of civilization to the heights of influence, through collapse and degradation, to redemption and eventual restoration to order and functionality, we Africans have taken many turns. Many of our recent diversions were instigated at the hands of others, but the responsibility for staying on course toward our destiny is our own. We can only correct past failures by projecting a strong vision of our restoration and aggressively building upon that vision. Should we delay acting upon such imperatives, history has shown that we can expect to flounder in the wake of those ships whose captains have set sail upon a firm course into the future.
Thus we have taken on this task of making a genuine attempt to construct a master blueprint for our group elevation. Toward furtherance of the tactics that are set out in this enhanced edition of the Conscious Rasta Report, we are calling on our people to fundamentally change the modes in which they have come to think, react, act and have allied themselves to a chaotic Western culture. This vision will entail our re-commitments toward morality, productivity, values and ideals, new rituals that will bind us to our inheritance and to our posterity, race pride and unity, as well as toward a single-mindedness centered upon a strong strategic vision.

Instant Download Price $5.00


By H. Khalif Khalifah…Special to the Newport Newservice
Part One
OCTOBER 28, 2012
NAT TURNER LIBRARY, DREWRYVILLE, VA … 181 years ago Nat Turner organized a Black Liberation Army. The army marched and liberated much of the south side of Virginia. At this time during the revolt, General Turner was still underground. He was determined to reconstitute the B.L.A. The advancing army was forced into a retreat after a major, major battle at the Blunt Plantation near Buckhorn Quarters. [Buckhorn Quarters is a stop on the Nat Turner Trail, a tour of the Battle sites during the revolt].
Nat Turner was underground but hadn't given up on completing his plans, but on October 28, 1831 he only had two more days to complete the job. Three days later he was re-captured, brought to trial in a regular court, sentenced and put to death. But contrary to the wishes of his executioners, that was not the end of the story.
Less we forget, Nat Turner's plan was to Expropriate (the Revolutionary way to obtain Reparations) all the resources needed to Free every Black Man, Woman and Child in captivity in the United States of America. The Struggle continues because he was unable to extract enough Reparations. This is important because the most important Reparations needed was to free more chattel captive Africans. He did manage to free some 100 to 200 Black men and women & children. A number of both sexes joined with the B.L.A.
He didn't manage to Free enough fellow captives because many, as Heroine Harriet Tubman stated a few years later, I could have freed more but they didn't know they were slaves. Oppressors worked extremely hard then and today, to keep the captives/oppressed thinking they are in the best position they can be.
            Nat Turner and Harriet Tubman couldn't complete their liberation efforts because the liberation struggle of Black people proves to be a long, long protracted war.
            First the race had to survive. This has been achieved because Black people have shown they will not let the lessons of past would-be-liberators be in vain. The Lessons of Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, and others are major reasons for our ability to survive the brutal attempt to steal our possessions. Today the oppressors are using our own possessions keep us subjected to the same Criminal Nation: An experiment in White Supremacy called the United States of America.
 Many appear to forget, or never accepted the fact that Reparations is about getting back everything, or its equivalent, that was stolen from us, as a people. There will be no freedom, justice and equality unless we get back our possessions. Dr. Imari I. Obadele insured that the Coalition he organized to get our possessions back legally, was determined that a clear definition would be made to state to us all what Reparations is, and is not.
            The coalition he formed is called The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America. The definition for Reparations is:
            "Reparations is the payment of money and other valuables to a nation, or distinct community of people. Reparations are paid by the Criminal government that stole their possessions and hurt them in the commission of a crime.
            "The payment of reparations is part of the process to make them whole again. It is necessary because in the commission of the crime, the perpetrator caused injuries: Reparations are the beginning of the healing process, it is to make amends, to make the nation whole again."
             Workers That Serve Specific Community needs are called Community Organizers. When I was there, we were called Community Activists. Until the election of Barack Obama, Nat Turner was the best known Community Organizer in history. He, as we all, work to organize the people to use the Power unity generates. The Community Organizer then use the power to apply to specific needs of the people. This is one lesson that you understand early in community work. But the essential lesson you understand later in oppression is the most important.  
            The essential thing that Community Organizers learn sooner or later is that regardless to how much we give up to serve; or however effective we are in organizing the masses to defeat specific targeting by the oppressors, the results will NOT free them from the clutches of oppression. More is needed.
            The more needed is a stronger power. So a decision is made to use the Wisdom we derived from our understanding to do things to generate that power. Nat Turner organized an army. Barack Obama went into politics. This writer went into the communications business….
H. KHALIF KHALIFAH is a Reparations Advocate; he lives on a farm in Southampton County, Virginia. He is a Publishing Consultant and Senior Tour Guide for The Nat Turner Trail. And can be contacted at 434-378-2140 or or Face Book & Twitter.
GIVE YOUR ASSESSMENTS OF WHERE BLACK PEOPLE ARE, AS A RACE: At an "open mic" during the festivities to commemorate the last Earth Day (November 10, 1831) of Nat Turner. The Commemoration will be at the Nat Turner Library and Campus,  November 10, 2012. Festivities will include: A Nat Turner Trail Tour, Good Vegetarian & Vegan Food, Good Music, Good Company (Smart Black singles and couples), Tour the TKKVV: All Assessments/statement will be duly recorded and become part of the archives of The Nat Turner Library: Call 434-378-2140 or 434-378-5536 for more info: go to to donate go to paypal:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney / Ryan in 2014 - What Could Happen: (Short Film)

Romney/Ryan in 2014 - What Could Happen
The short film starring Marlon Hargrave, Darla Grese, Sommer Mitchell, Vince Martinez, and Jermelle Simon that peeks at what a Romney/Ryan administration in the Oval Office could look like.

Written and Produced by Tomeka M. Winborne
Associate Producer: Garrett "Bigg" Williams
Photographed, Edited, and Directed by Cetre Pegues

Monday, October 15, 2012

Legitimizing the non-legitimit "You can be African American and also not be Black"

More black men are in prison today than are in college. The underperformance of African-American males in elementary and secondary schools is a persistent crisis. Sharokky Hollie, founder of the California-based Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning, says part of the problem is that many schools don't validate the home culture of black male students. Hollie has developed teaching methods that are more culturally and linguistically responsive, allowing for that crucial initial engagement between teacher and student. Here, he discusses those approaches, demonstrates training exercises, and explores the meaning of culture versus race.

Hosted by School of Education and African American Studies Program on March 24, 2009.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Raising Black Boys - Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

Raising Black Boys: Exploring the Journey from Boys to Men
By Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu - April 25, 2011
Watch the video on the below website:
(Chicago, Illinois) - A three-year-old boy struts down the street wearing "gangsta" gear. A fourth grade boy can't read the comic book he holds in his hands. A teen male sells drugs to support his mother. A high school senior won't be going to college because his parents can't afford to send him. The old saying, "Boys will be boys," takes on new meaning in the Black community, where boys are suffering from academic failure, low self-esteem, frustration, and a lack of direction.

According to Jawanza Kunjufu, author of the bestselling Raising Black Boys and a father of two sons, "The spirits of too many of our boys have been broken. During the preschool and kindergarten years, our boys are energetic and curious. They love learning and ask thousands of questions. There's a glow in their eyes. By the time they reach high school, however, that glow has been replaced with suspicion and anger."

The statistics paint a disturbing picture of life for Black boys: 72 percent of African American boys lack a father in the home. Nationally, African American males have a 53 percent chance of dropping out of high school. In some districts, the rates are significantly higher. While African Americans make up 17 percent of the total school population, they account for 32 percent of the suspensions and 30 percent of all expulsions. One of three Black males are involved with the penal system. African American male teens are placed in remedial or special education classes at triple the rate of their white counterparts, and they are underrepresented in gifted and honors classes.

The top three influences on African American boys today are peer pressure, rap music, and television. However, Kunjufu believes that the greatest problems facing Black boys are a lack of spirituality and fatherlessness.

"If you look at all the woes in our society-drug addiction, teen pregnancy, illiteracy, grade retention, incarceration-the common thread running through them all is the absence of the father in a child's life," says Kunjufu.

The 9 Types of Fathers Explained in Raising Black Boys
Sperm Donors - define their masculinity based on the quantity of children they create, not the quality of their childrearing.
No-Show Dads - promise to pick the child up for the weekend, but they don't show.
Ice Cream Dads - instead of spending quality time with the child, they buy presents out of guilt.
Dead Broke Dads - may be penniless, but they still want to participate in the child's life. Some mothers' "pay to play" philosophy prevents the Dead Broke Dad from raising his child.
Dork Dads - are physically in the home but are not emotionally present.
Divorced Dads - although divorced from their wives, they would never abandon their children.
Stepfathers - often see their wives' children as their own.
Daddies - stay with their spouses, and they enjoy being fully involved fathers.
Single-Parent Dads - assume full responsibility for the children when the mother walks. Single-Parent Dads demonstrate that men, too, can develop a strong bond with their children.

Using research and examples from his own life and the lives of prominent African American men such as neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, Kunjufu goes beyond the gloom and doom reports that haunt the Black community and provides sound strategies and a ray of hope for parents, teachers, ministers, and mentors who are struggling to raise Black boys against tremendous odds.

Gimme the business: Jawanza Kunjufu on black economic development

CashaObstacles to Black Economic Development
Source: Jawanza Kunjufu (Black Economics)
One of the major obstacles to black economic development is the social environment that surrounds starting a black business. I've noticed in black families that if there are four adult siblings and three of them are professionals and one is a business owner, among the family, the professionals seem to be revered more than the business owner. I have seen churches, professional organizations and magazines give more credence and recognition to professionals than to business owners.

Carter G. Woodson in the book The Mis-Education of the Negro made reference to how schools encourage African Americans to pursue careers working and managing other people's enterprises versus starting their own business. Schools feel that it is more prestigious to be an accountant for a Fortune 500 corporation than to own a grocery store or cleaners in the community. There is a perception that black businesses are marginal, require too much work for too little income, and that it's more lucrative, less demanding, and more financially rewarding to work for someone else than to own your own business.

In the previous chapter, we talked about the number of businesses per thousand members in a community in the black, white, Hispanic and Asian communities. African Americans have the smallest number of businesses per thousand. I think a major reason for this is that the social environment does not encourage people to start businesses. Many of the men and women who do form businesses start them after a great deal of frustration due to not being able to climb the corporate ladder. Some females within our community who have the time, money and maturity to raise children unfortunately are not having as many as those with the least time, money, and maturity, who are having more children. The same applies in the business community. Many of our best black minds, who have the degrees in engineering, accounting, marketing, and business administration are using their skills and talents for corporate America while other members of our community are starting "mom and pop businesses" which reinforces that black businesses are very marginal.

Many of us underestimate business viability. What we perceive to be a marginal operation in actuality is just the opposite when we total the business receipts for the day, week, month, or year. I still regret that during the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955, our people didn't understand that after 381 days of creating an alternative bus service, freedom should have also been defined in economic terms. We did not need to return back to riding their buses that were losing money because of our boycott. We should have continued on with the maintenance of our own bus system. This is a slave mentality of supporting and working for others versus ourselves in the African American community.

Many of us look down on the grocery stores, cleaners, and "marginal operations" because we lack a vision of how Ford, GM, Chrysler, IBM, Wal-Mart, and others started as "marginal operations." We were not there when they met in the basements of their homes developing strategies. We were not there to observe the 12, 16, and 20 hour work days seven days a week. We were not there when payrolls were missed and financial sacrifices were made. We were not there when they borrowed money from relatives because they had a vision that years later they would have million dollar operations. I will never forget the day my mother loaned me $1,000 to start African American Images and how gratifying it is to see that seed money blossom. It has been said that a people without a vision will perish and unfortunately, that is happening in the business sector of our community.

On the other hand, some of our people dream too much and businesses require more than dreams. They require hard work, sacrifice and planning. John Raye from the Majestic Eagles, makes a distinction between a goal and a wish: "The latter, you never do anything about, the former, you work on it constantly." Many of our people are so used to being involved in large corporations that it's very difficult for them to imagine starting a business from scratch. As a person who's a strong advocate of self-esteem, I never want to burst anyone's bubble or destroy their dream. People come up to me all the time and tell me about their million dollar dreams. I listen, but to myself I have major doubt about whether they have persistence. My desire is to always encourage people; seldom do I make discouraging remarks. As I have become older, I feel more of a need to at least point out to people that dreams do require blueprints.

Another obstacle affecting black economic development within the business community is the lack of trust. It is very difficult to do anything in this world by yourself. The same cooperative spirit that Asians and other immigrants have in studying together they replicate in the business sector by pooling their resources. This level of trust is necessary if a business is going to be successful. Prosperous businesses establish and maintain trust with their customers, workers and investors. It becomes imperative that if we're going to be successful as business owners we have to acknowledge that trust is as essential an ingredient as capital and business acumen.

Another obstacle that affects black businesses is the desire to convince themselves, their families, and their communities that their businesses are viable. This is demonstrated by the purchase of expensive clothes, cars, and houses. Many business owners fall prey to materialism and the desire to refute this image. Black businesses become marginal by making expensive purchases. The assumption being that my business can't be marginal if I'm driving a Cadillac, BMW, or Mercedes. The reality is those kind of purchases rob a business of necessary capital for future growth and development. I'm not saying that black business owners should take an oath of poverty and never utilize some of their business resources for personal pleasure, but I do feel that balance and moderation are essential. I recognize that many of our people view black businesses as being marginal and this is one opportunity for refutation, but there are other alternatives to convincing the larger community that black businesses are viable and need to be pursued. The black business community and the teaching profession need a major public relations campaign to communicate their tremendous benefits.

Another major obstacle to black economic development is the attitude of the black consumer. I often ask black consumers several questions: what is their commitment to the race, how much value do they place on black businesses, and is their loyalty greater than a penny or a nickel. I heard a horror story recently from a black business owner who had been in business for several years. A foreigner opened up a business and was selling the same hair care product. His store sold it for $4.99 and the foreigner sold it for 4.95. he told me there was a marked decline in the sales of this particular product and that African American customers were telling them that his prices were too high, only for him to find out that the difference in price was a mere four cents. Again, I raise the question, how much loyalty do we have to the race? Can it be bought for a penny, nickel or dime?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Virginia Beach Mentor Program opening for new young males

Accepting new youth we will mentor on 10/13/12

2012-2013 Golden Year Kick-Off ! 10/13/2012

Interested in enrolling your son / male child in The Golden Fold ?
Interested in becoming a community mentor for The Golden Fold ?
BE THERE ON Saturday 10/13/2012
10/13/12 - 10:00 am - Room E-121, Lynnhaven Building, Virginia Beach, Tidewater Community College
Contact: thegoldenfold @ yahoo (dot) com or call 757-401-1240.

We open our doors for the 2012-2013 program year (Golden Year) on 10/13/2012 at 10:00 am with our Annual Kick-Off !. At that time we will have an On Boarding session and take in new Young Leader participants. If you wish to enroll then attend the Kick Off, complete the application, and all applicants will be considered and approvals for participation will be provided within seven days of the application submission. We regret that we are limited to the participation of 20 Young Leaders:

The Golden Fold is a Joint Mentoring venture involving Gamma Xi Ques, The S.A.A.B. Program of T.C.C., and The Man-Up Connection (Men in the community who become involved). The Golden Fold serves youth in grades 6 through 12 by providing a (currently) Free Leadership Development program with a S.T.R.EA.M. Curriculum. The young men that are participants in The Golden Fold are called "Young Leaders" or YL.

The term 'Golden Fold' represents a valued (Golden) brotherhood (fold). Gamma Xi will provide over-sight mentors from their chapter to support the activities. The S.A.A.B. Are the direct mentors provide direct community mentors, marketing activities, and programming and administration support, The Man-Up Connection will provide business and political connections to support the activities of the movement.
Our movement follows a Leadership S.T.R.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Attendance, Mathematics). During our sessions the Young Leaders (mentees) will be exposed to presentations and experiences that focus upon Science, Technology, and Engineering. Upon entry will test each YL in the areas of reading and math. If it is found that they have a deficiency in either of these areas we will refer them to receive tutoring from an organization we are affiliated with. We will also monitor their Attendance via their school's guidance department. One of our Program staff will provide interventions to provide support to the YL to improve their attendance if needed.

Our Model
The Golden Fold meets the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and will normally follow our Bond/Guide/Build model:
10:00 – 10:30 Arrival, Bonding, YLs and Mentors meet and interact socially
10:30 – 11:15 Guidance given by one or two presentations based on the S.T.R.E.A.M. Curriculum or   Leadership Lamplights
11:15 – 11:55 Building group activities and or group discussions led by staff based upon presentations
11:55 Announcements and Dismissal
Our mentors are not assigned specifically to any YL. Over a series of sessions each YLs should have an opportunity to interact with most of the mentors, providing an opportunity for a YL to develop friendship with preferred mentors. They will have an opportunity to interact with their preferred mentors during the bonding period which is normally a part of a session. 
Interactions with YLs during the bonding period will only occur in the presence and with the guidance of other mentors. Interactions between our mentors and YLs outside of our activities is not necessarily encouraged, nor is it the intent of the program. The Golden Fold mentors are instructed to avoid creating or facilitating intentional out-of-program meetings with the YLs. Mentors will not be permitted to transport or to take possession/charge/custody of YLs in the program with the exception of our community escorts who escort the Yls from the targeted neighborhoods as scheduled.

The Golden Fold Mentor Movement serves youth (males aged 6th grade through 12th grade) and undergraduate college men by providing Leadership focused seminar based Big-Brother-type activities in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We employ a Bonding-Presentation-Guidance model. Contact: thegoldenfold @ yahoo (dot) com or call 757-401-1240. The Golden Fold is a "Brothers and Others" Community Improvement activity of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi and an Social Action project of the Men of S.A.B.B. of  Virginia Beach's Tidewater Community College. We accept new participants twice a year. We meet the 2nd & 4th Saturday Monthly from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at Tidewater Community College's Virginia Beach Campus in room E-121 of the Lynnhaven Building.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Christopher Kill-umbus: The Mind of a Serial Killer

Alafia (peace) All,

Article by the Daghetto Tymz: {visit his site for more great articles that might crack open your Pineal Gland}

Every second Monday in October, Banks and schoolz are closed and government offices are empty in remembrance of the infamous European explorer, Christopher Columbus. For hundredz of yearz, Columbus has had a special place in the history of the New World. To Afrikanz, celebrating Columbus Day is actually celebrating the mass destruction of our own people! Instead of a day where we see parades and floats down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, it should be a day of mourning.

Not only was Columbus part of the initial european conquest of the world, his legacy serves as a blockade to the real history behind the purposely-covered fact that there were otherz, including Afrikanz not only in the America's, but sailed from other parts of the world to here well before him.

Still there's something historianz marvel Columbus for than the otherz. If you ask me, it's that thing that resides in YTs nature, the barbaric act of violence! He claimed everything he saw when he set foot on these territories. Native landz, mineral wealth, natural resources, and even the inhabitants immediately became European "property." This could only be launched with violence using torture, maim, rape, and other unspeakable acts.

Columbus introduced two phenomena that revolutionized race relationz and transformed the modern world: (1)the taking of land, wealth, and labor from indigenous peoples, which lead to their extermination, and (2)the transatlantic slave trade, which created a racial underclass.

The New World fascinated YT, most notably the elite. This obsession was directly responsible for a rise in European self-consciousness. From the beginning America was perceived as an "opposite" to Europe in wayz that even Afrika never had been. In a sense, there was no "Europe" before 1492. People were simply French, Tuscan, etc. Now they began to see similarities among themselves, at least when compared to the native from the Americas. Basically, until the first Indianz and Afrikanz arrived, there were no "white" people in Europe before 1492. With the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Europeanz began seein' "white" as a race and race as an important human characteristic.

Columbus' own writingz reflect this increasing ideology on racizm. When he tried selling Queen Isabella on the wonderz of the Americas, the Indianz were "well built" and "of quick intelligence." "They have very good customz," he wrote, "and the king maintainz a very marvelous state, of a style so orderly that it is a pleasure to see it, and they have good memories and they wish to see everything and ask what it is and for what it is used." Later, when Columbus was justifying his terrorist attacks and enslavement of them, they became "cruel" and "stupid," "a people warlike and numerous, whose customz and religion are very different from ourz."

Click here for full Article:

Asar Maa Ra Gray

"Not to know is bad, but not to want to know is worst."
AfRAkan Proverb

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Truth About Columbus Pt 2

Imhotep All,

Would Columbus Day still be celebrated if the real history of Christopher Columbus were told from the viewpoint of his victims? I ask you...will you keep this truth from your CHILDREN like our "Public School System does?"

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."

~ Nehast ~

by Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA

In trying to determine the worse human rights violator over the past 500 years, two candidates far and away exceed all others. Adolph Hitler was not even close because he is only credited with killing six million people and his reign of terror only lasted about six years. Over a period of 25 years, Belgium King Leopold II was able to reduce the population of the Congo from 20 million to 10 million. Twenty five years after Christopher Columbus entered Haiti, the Arawak population was reduced to zero, that is, total annihilation or genocide.

In describing the exploits of Columbus, Dominican priest Bartolome de Las Casas wrote: "My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that I tremble as I write." Famous American author Joseph Conrad called Leopold's Congo: "The vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience." Despite a death toll of holocaust dimensions, these men are not even mentioned in the standard litany of human horrors. Our children are given history books that describe Columbus as a heroic adventurer and an outstanding seaman. This heroic image is further perpetuated by Columbus Day celebrations and the fact that streets, schools, cities, and even countries have been named after him. King Leopold II enjoys an equally positive reputation. Belgium history describes him as a "philanthropic monarch who was much admired throughout Europe." He is praised for investing a large portion of his personal fortune in public works projects to benefit both Europe and Africa. The current image of these two men could not be further from the truth! Both left behind a heritage of racism, greed, hunger, exploitation, and genocide. Leopold matched Columbus so closely in atrocities that one has to wonder whether they represent the same man reincarnated.

Both Columbus and Leopold were great salesmen and great liars. To help finance his second voyage, Columbus told the Spanish Monarch that "there are many wide rivers of which the majority contain gold…there are many spices, and great mines of gold and other metals." Columbus was so convincing the Queen Isabella provided him with 17 ships and 1,200 men for his second voyage and promised him 10% of all the gold and precious metals he brought back. Leopold's opportunity for salesmanship and lying came at the Berlin Conference (November 1884 - February 1885) where European countries met to decide how they would divide up Africa. Leopold begged for the Congo Basin and guaranteed the well being of the Congo's native population. Leopold told the American delegation that "Belgium deserves the opportunity to prove to the world that it also was an imperial people, capable of dominating and enlightening others." Since Leopold knew that the Belgium parliament and Belgium people had no interest in Africa, he essentially was arguing for a land mass 80 times the size of Belgium, which he would own personally.

Columbus and Leopold saw the profits from their new lands as virtually limitless if enough free labor were available. Both men immediately proceeded to institute slavery among the native population and set quotas for individual production. The favorite method of punishment by Columbus and Leopold for not meeting quotas was to cut off the hands.

Columbus ordered all persons 14 years old and older to collect a certain quantity of gold every three months. When they brought it, they were given copper tokens to hang around their necks. Arawaks found without copper tokens to hang around their necks had their hands cut off and bled to death. Leopold chose to set quotas for ivory and rubber for each village. When a village fell short of its quota, his soldiers brutally raided the village and cut off the victims' right hands. Sean Kelly wrote: "Hands became a sort of currency in that soldiers were paid their bonuses on the basis of how many right hands they collected."

Columbus and Leopold were exceptionally cruel to women and children. Both men allowed their soldiers to kidnap women as sex slaves, and they also held women and children as hostages to insure that the native men would not run away. Female hostages were usually poorly fed and large numbers died of starvation. Newborns also had a very high mortality rate because the mothers were too famished to provide nursing milk.

The Arawaks and Africans both fought back but were no match for the armor and swords of Columbus nor the guns and artillery of Leopold's soldiers. Rebelling natives were treated exceedingly cruel by both oppressors. Although both men used hanging, Columbus preferred burning victims alive if possible or feeding them to the attack dogs. Leopold's soldiers enjoyed summary executions followed by chopping off the victims' heads and placing the heads on poles around their gardens. Guillaume Van Kerckhoven, a Leopold officer, cheerfully bragged to a missionary that he paid his Black soldiers five brass rods per human head they brought him during the course of any military operation he conducted. He said it was to stimulate their prowess in the face of the enemy.

A single man in both cases dedicated his life to exposing the atrocities of Columbus and Leopold to the world. Bartolome de Las Casas, a Dominican priest, was initially a friend of Columbus and helped transcribe his journals. However, he soon became a vehement critic of Spanish cruelty and published a two-volume book detailing Spanish torture. He estimates that three million Arawaks died between 1495 and 1508. Edmund Dene Morel, a trusted employee of the Liverpool shipping line, dedicated his life to exposing the atrocities of King Leopold. He single-handedly put this subject on the world's front pages for more than a decade, which resulted in worldwide protest rallies. Morel mobilized everyone from Booker T. Washington to the Archbishop of Canterbury to join his cause. He even went to the White House insisting to President Theodore Roosevelt that the United States had a special responsibility to do something about the Congo since the U.S. helped Leopold at the Berlin Conference. Morel's unrelenting efforts resulted in Western powers forcing King Leopold to sell the Congo to Belgium in 1908.

Despite responsibility for death tolls of holocaust dimensions, neither Christopher Columbus nor King Leopold II was convicted or imprisoned for any crimes. Both men lived a full life and died exceptionally rich. Columbus spent his last years living in a mansion in Valladolid with an annual income of $60,000 from his Hispaniola sugar plantations (a fortune in the 1500s). Leopold died in 1909 with a personal fortune (produced by the Congo's ivory and rubber) of well over a billion dollars in today's currency.

In order to prevent the human atrocities of Columbus and Leopold from ever reoccurring, it might be prudent to adopt the current philosophy regarding Adolph Hitler; that is, constant reminders of the holocausts in newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, and even holocaust museums followed by the statement: "Never Again."

Narmer (Think With a Unified Brain and Mind),

Asar Maat Ra Gray

"Not to know is bad, but not to want to know is worst."
AfRAkan Proverb

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Friday, October 5, 2012

The Truth About columbus pt 1

Hotep All,

I still can't believe this is a freakin holiday. Do you know the true story of Columbus or the lies or untold stories told in our current learning institutions? Regardless, please read what we as an American culture are celebrating and what or whom we are teaching our children in our public school systems to be a hero. What a shame...when are we going to tell our children, especially Black children the truth.

After reading this article...sit back and ponder on why are the Haitian people having such a hard time in their society. Just maybe...something to do with their horrific past and how they were treated by our so called heroes might have something to do with it. Oh yeah...then think about how slavery had an effect on Black America and then just maybe things might start to piece together for you.

Sidebar: If you want to see a great video, go and purchase the PBS special "Black in Latin America" dvd. It's only $19.95 and I'm sure you'll learn something you never even heard of the public school indoctrination system. The video does an excellent job breaking down how Europeans and Americans brought racism and destruction in these area which still excess from those ignorant of their pass.

Black in Latin America DVD:

I say again...would Columbus be a hero if we knew the truth, I doubt it. But, if you don't know the truth because you refuse to seek it then who really is at fault. Unfortunately, some people WILL get the truth but reject it because the lies have been embedded in their brains for so long they refuse to "SEE THE LIGHT." Tragedy!

Let it be said..."The truth and spiritual knowledge will set you free."
Ancient AfRAkan Proverb


By: Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA

The original Haitians were called the Arawaks or Tainos. Christopher Columbus wrote in his log that the Arawaks were well built with good bodies and handsome features. He also reported that the Arawaks were remarkable for their hospitality and their belief in sharing. He said, "they offered to share with anyone and that when you ask for something they never say no." The Arawaks lived in village communes with a well-developed agriculture of corn, yams, and cassava. They had the ability to spin and weave, as well as being able to swim long distances. The Arawaks did not bear arms nor did they have prisons or prisoners. Columbus wrote that when the Santa Maria became shipwrecked, the Arawaks worked for hours to save the crew and cargo and that they were so honest that not one thing was missing. Arawak women were treated so well in early Haitian society that it startled the Spaniards. Columbus said that the Arawak men were of great intelligence because they could navigate all of their islands and give an amazingly precise account of everything.

The chief source, and on many matters the only source of information about what happened on the islands after Columbus arrived, was noted by a Catholic priest named Bartolome De Las Casas who lived during the time of Columbus. He transcribed Columbus's journal and wrote a multi-volume "History of the Indies." Las Casas says that Columbus returned to America on his second voyage with seventeen ships and with more than 1,200 heavily armed men with horses and attack dogs. Their aim was clearly to obtain as much gold and as many slaves as possible according to De Las Casas. Columbus went from island to island in the Caribbean, taking Arawaks as captives. He ordered everyone over the age of 14 to produce specific quantities of gold every three months, and if the Arawak could not produce this quota, Columbus then had his hands cut off; and left him to bleed to death.

If the Arawaks ever tried to escape, they were hunted down by the attack dogs and either hanged or burned alive. Within just two years, half of the three million Arawaks of Haiti died from murder, mutilation or suicide. Bishop De Las Casas reported that the Spaniards became so lazy that they refused to walk any distance; and either rode the backs of the Arawaks or were carried on hammocks by Arawaks who ran them in relays.

In other cases, the Spaniards had the Arawaks carry large leaves for their shade and had others to fan them with goose wings. Women were used as sex slaves and their children were murdered and then thrown into the sea. The Spaniards were so cruel, they thought nothing of cutting off slices of human flesh from the Arawaks just to test the sharpness of their blades. Bishop De Las Casas wrote, "My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.

Christopher Columbus started the Trans-Atlantic slave trade by taking 500 of the healthiest men back to Spain to sell into slavery, and the proceeds from the sale helped to pay for his third voyage. The massive slave trade moving in the other direction, across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas, was also begun in Haiti and was started by the son of Christopher Columbus in 1505 A.D. On his third voyage to Haiti, Queen Isabelle's new Governor, Francisco De Bobadilla, had Christopher Columbus and his two brothers arrested and sent back to Spain in chains as prisoners for their crimes against the Arawaks.

Would Columbus Day still be celebrated if the real history of Christopher Columbus were told from the viewpoint of his victims?

For more insight on Black People & Their Place In World History, click on:

Ankh Uja Sbn (Life, Strength & Health),

Asar Maat Ra Gray

"Not to know is bad, but not to want to know is worst."
AfRAkan Proverb

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Brother Dr. Adolph Brown - Learning without limits !

Again this year, Norfolk Public Schools will host Parent University, a half-day event filled with workshops designed to help parents support their children's education. Mark your calendar for this upcoming Parent University onSaturday, Oct. 20 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Granby High School. The theme is "Learning Without Limits: Occupations, Vocations, Professions and Careers," to support parents and students in continuing their education, helping students graduate from high school on time, committing to lifelong learning and setting career goals.
Brother Dr. Adolph Brown, III, billed as the World's Greatest Edu-tainer, will be the keynote speaker. School Board member Dr. Noelle Gabriel also will speak. Break-out sessions will include presentations from specialists in math, reading, science, social studies, special education and other content areas to help parents learn to assist their children at home. Community partners and representatives from various local colleges and career areas also will be on hand.
The event is free of charge for children and parents, and lunch will be provided. School bus transportation will be provided from designated pick-up locations, however strollers cannot be accommodated on the buses.
Parents are invited to register today. Forms are available in all schools. Check with your school's principal, parent liaison or guidance counselor.
For more information, contact Dr. Dawn Lawrence or Marquita Sykes at 628-3944.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Real Love Part ! & 2 - Brother Omi Speaks

Real Love: Like Mary J. Blige Said Part I

First we have to be honest. We are told so many lies about love. That worst part is that men folks are taught one thing about intimate relationship and women folks are taught another thing. For men, we are given the narrative that it's something we had to drudge through. I worked in the wedding industry for 10 years and I can count on one hand how many grooms were involved. I had so many grooms say "look let's get this thing over with." Women folk on the other hand are told that its a Princess Diana fairy tale. That's sexist as hell. I can't forget how we men folk are taught to see our wives as chattel instead of as human beings.

In the meantime, there is an industry that sells romance and makes billions off of us. Not to mention an industry that attempts to teach us how to find that one person and how to avoid bad relationships. Many folks make a killing in this industry. Yes, it's a shame that you can walk into any book store and the self help section is usually 10 times the size of the cultural studies, history, and science sections. That's a story for another blog post, right?

A gang of people ask me for advise on matters of intimate relationship and love. Let me say this, too many of us really, really make it complicated. While loving a complete and total stranger who has no relation to you unconditionally is difficult, it's not that complex. People come to me with the most outrageous stuff and then are surprised when I am like "you are making it too complicated."

Forget horoscopes, spiritual energy, previous relationships, and other things we spend too much time thinking about. Focus on the here and now. How is that person treating you right now? How is that person expressing his or herself? Do you folks actually speak to one another? Don't tell me about their mothers or their child's other parent. What about that person?

We spend to much time on the details and what is going to happen 5 years from now that we forget to do two things: love that mofo and have fun. That doesn't mean to ignore terrible habits or backwards thinking. I am not saying that. I just run into people who take once incident or statement and run with it and make all kinds of observations with no proof.

Look, we are not going to get along all the time. Sometimes we are gonna have knock down arguments over the dumbest things. It's natural. It's human. Everyday isn't Disney world. We can't fly to different exotic locales everyday. It's work. You have to work to make it happen. It's not magic and it's not spiritual. It's real work.

Unfortunately, that's the part that scares people.

Real Love part II: You already there

I am a big proponent of the 7 P's. You know Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. I think that is important in any endeavor. One should be prepared and well educated even in matters of love. While I think some folks should slow their roll (like coming out of a 5 year horrible relationship or just out of prison), I find that most folks are able to get into a new relationship.

Too many times, I hear people tell other folks that they need to make sure they get "right" before getting into a relationship. While I don't know what they mean by getting "right" I know it comes from a Christian centered, patriarchal world view. They say things like "you can't turn a hoe into a housewife" or other dumb things such as that.

Again, I say we should focus on the hear and now. So what if he was known for being the stud on campus. As long as he doesn't have 100 children by 50 different women, it shouldn't matter right? As long as that person protected his or her self through safe sex and no one was exploited or abused, it shouldn't matter. We worry so much about what that person did the day before we met that it becomes ridiculous. We can't control the past. It's already happened.

If someone loves someone enough, he or she will get rid of all the bad habits. If someone loves someone enough, he or she will make the necessary changes to make things work. Of course, there will be bumps along the way but aren't we all works in progress? Isn't getting into a healthy relationship a way for all of us to become better people? Isn't that the entire point?

So listen up folks, let me be the first to say it: you are ready now. You are okay the way you are. I am sure like the rest of humanity, you aren't perfect but you can work things out. There is nothing wrong with that. It's called growth and maturity. It's called learning. It's called becoming a better person. It's something we should all aspire to do.

Most important, don't forget to have fun. I think when it comes to intimate relationships we forget that. We get so focused on putting our best foot forward, that we end up mucking things up. We get so worried about looking and acting the right way, we lose ourselves. When that person pops up, we act like we don't know them. So instead of creating facades, we should just be ourselves. If that person digs us enough, they will dig all of us.

--Posted By Brother OMi to Have kampilan, will travel at 9/26/2012 10:28:00 Pm
Brother OMi <>

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura embarrasses CNN host in incredible video

Hotep All,

This is pretty epic. It starts slow but he says some very good information that you need to take heed to. But, if you are short on time,you could just fast forward to the 8 minute mark.

Make sure to look at Piers gulp as Ventura begins to question the BBC. Then, the 12 minute mark is the absolute highlight of the video. I don't want to spoil it so watch for yourself. Everyone knows these mainstream media hacks are either professional liars or just useful idiots.

Link to Video:

Asar Maa Ra Gray

"Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open."
C. Brown

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Talib Kweli vs. 2 Chainz - The Conscious MC vs. the secretly smart MC

Enjoy the free download link for Talib Kweli's newest mixtape !
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The rapper 2 Chainz attended Alabama State University, where he played on the basketball team.
Breakin' 2 Chainz:
Why Do Smart Rappers Make Dumb Raps?

TRUTH Minista Paul Scott

Tauheed Epps was born September 12, in College Park, Georgia. Epps was an only child, and because his father was a minister for his local church, Epps spent a lot of his early days in church. Epps was involved with his church's choir for 2 years before he went to high school. He attended high school with Monica and exceeded his teacher's expectations of him by finishing second in his class. He later attended Alabama State University to play basketball. Epps later transferred to Virginia State University after his sophomore year.

'Sophisticated ignorance / write my curses in cursive'
Otis-Kanye West and Jay Z

When the controversial rap superstar , '2 Shackles'� granted an interview to an investigative journalist at the New Jersey Times he agreed that it would be no holds barred. When the reporter grilled him on everything from his recent baby mama drama to his beefs with rival rappers he addressed each question without flinching. Even when she pulled out a copy of the mugshot from his most recent arrest, he just smiled and autographed it for her. But when she asked him about the allegations that he had an extremely high IQ and graduated from college ,mnaag cum laude, he stormed out of the office knockin' over chairs and mumblin' something about 'birthdays and big booty guhs....'�

If you go strictly by what you hear on the radio ,nowadays, you would swear that Hip Hop was made up of people with low IQs and short attention spans. The music that once prided itself on being the 'Black CNN'� now sounds more like a pornographic version of Sesame Street. Sad thing is that some of today's rappers are ,actually ,intelligent. Now, I'm not claimin' that they are rocket scientists but they aren't the bumblin' buffoons, that you here on the radio, either.

So the question becomes, why do the smartest rappers make the dumbest raps?

Malcolm X once said the difference between a clown and a wise man is 'the clown never imitates the wise man but the wise man can imitate the clown.' However, on a three minute song on the radio, it's kinda hard to tell. the difference.

Case in point is the hottest rapper in the game right now, 2 Chainz. Some may find it hard to believe that the rapper who gave us such songs as 'Birthday Song' and 'No Lie'� is actually Tauheed Epps , a gifted high school student who , in 1996, got an athletic scholarship to play basketball at Alabama State University . Thus , putting him in the company of such , athletic ,scholar entertainers as Paul Robeson. However, it would be easier to find your favorite rapper's Illuminati membership card than it would be to find an actual record of 2 Chainz's academic prowess. So the story goes that he was either an academic genius who graduated in three years with honors or a college dropout who only attended a couple of semesters at an institution of higher learning. However, the fact remains that he is far more intelligent than the music that he makes. If you ever listen to a n interview when 2 Chainz briefly breaks out of character and reverts back to Tauheed Epps , you can tell that you're not dealing with a dummy.

So why the charade?

One can make the argument that the rappers of today were not the first to make dumb music. Back in Hip Hop's early years , there were songs by The Rappin' Duke and Bobby Jimmy and the Critters. But raps by artists like Biz Markie were seen for what they were ; commedy. The songs were just an occasional break from the more lyrically complex Hip Hop of the time. No no one in his right mind wanted to hear Pickin Boogers all day, everyday on the radio. But today the airwaves are flooded with mentally challenged music that has dumbed down the culture.

The defenders of commercial rap are always quick to point out how Hip Hop is the most influential art form to ever grace the planet and how it has impacted countries around the world ,socially and economically. However, when you hit them with a socio-economic analysis of the music, they accuse you of thinking too deep and all of a sudden the great culture of Hip Hop becomes merely entertainment for kids, like some Saturday morning cartoon. But the critique must be done.

If we break down the meaning of '2 Chainz, we will see that in order to enslave a people it takes two chains; one physical and one mental. Of the two, the most powerful is the mental chain as taught by scholars such as Dr. Na'im Akbar, author of the book, Breaking the Psychological Chains of Mental Slavery. Because even when the physical chain around the wrist is broken, the mental chain around the brain remains.

The emancipation from mental slavery has always been the hardest task for those trying to free a people. who have been, as the scripture teaches, 'destroyed for a lack of knowledge.'� This is made more difficult when those who 'reject knowledge' and dumb themselves down are portrayed to the youth as models of success.

However, all youth are not going for the okie doke. Recently, the group , Watoto from the Nile ,released a video called , 'Letter to Nicki Minaj'� which features a powerful scene where 'Harriet Tubman'� removes the chains from Minaj's wrists,symbolically meaning that the chains will eventually drop from her brain. (Good luck with that one.)

It is no accident that the deeper we entered into the information age, the dumber the music became. It was once said that if you want to hide something from a Black man, put it in a book. But today, you dont even have to take the bus to the library as the information is literally at the tip of your fingers. So, the mental chains had to become reinforced. The music industry has been involved in a brain drain where they take our best and brightest artists and turn them into ratchet rappers.

While it may be argued that teenage rappers like Chief Keef are too young to know any better that's no excuse for rappers like 2 Chainz who are old enough to be their fathers. They have made a mockery out of the saying with age comes wisdom.

Its time for us to break the chains. Hip Hop artists must be pressured to stop the musical mumbo jumbo.

Like KRS said on Still # 1
Many of you are educated/open your mouths and speak...�

TRUTH Minista Paul Scott’s weekly column is “This Ain’t Hip Hop,� a column for intelligent Hip Hop headz. For more information on the No Warning Shots Fired lecture series contact or visit Follow Twitter @truthminista
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