Saturday, September 28, 2024

Cease-and-Decist Notice sent to Bobby Rush and IL. Black Panther Party
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Bob Brown (Aka Robert A. Brown)

Pan-African Roots

1016 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 1056

Chicago, IL 60607


25 September 2024


Re: Cease-and-Desist Notice

Unlawful Use of Name, Photograph, Likeness, Speech, and Associated Documents

Defamation of Character and Association with and Service to various political parties, USA


Distributed via certified mail, return receipt requested, email, and other available means



Leila Wills, Executive Director

Historical Preservation Society of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party

1507 East 53rd Street, Suite 485

Chicago, IL 60615


Bobby Rush, Pastor

Beloved Community Christian Church

6430 South Harvard Ave.

Chicago, IL 60621


(Complete list to Follow)


BOB BROWN, [Aka Robert A. Brown], is a respected person in the national, Pan-African, and international community and one who has spent their entire life building a positive reputation and one who assiduously protects his name, integrity, biography, history, and image. Mr. Brown has spent 61 years as a political and social activist and organizer, engaged in the lifelong struggle to help liberate, unify and advance Africa, and the more than 1.5 billion African People, in the 125 countries in the 5 Regions in Africa, the 6th Region (African Diaspora), and all of Humanity. Mr. Brown has supported no effort to negatively affect those cited above.

Mr. Brown’s work, study and struggle, his personal and political associations, principled declarations and, clear direction of his goals and objectives are of fundamental value to his life, reputation, and wellbeing

Nevertheless, we have been informed that you have Unlawfully used Mr. Brown’s name, likeness, photograph, speech, associations and associated documents in inaccurate depictions and unfounded information that is damaging to his personal and professional character and without his permission.

Specifically, it appears that the above cited individuals and those acting in the name or serving as representatives of the cited organizations have repeatedly, consistently, and deliberately used Mr. Brown’s name, likeness, words, biography and history in connection with building and sustaining support for a collective effort to insert, enter and include the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party into “The National Register of Historic Places.”

  1. See:
    1. National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form
    3. H.R. 5710, “to establish the Black Panther Park National Historical Park in the State of California, and for other purposes.”

This misuse includes but is not limited to the above cited persons, and others, in connection with the establishment of a proposed project to Landmark the “Historical Preservation Society of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party.” See also:

  1. WTTW, A ‘Black Voices’ Community Conversation: Latest Efforts to Preserve Legacy of Illinois Black Panther Party, Acacia Hernandez | January 29, 2024
  2. Illinois Black Panther Party Honored In New Exhibit Ahead Of DNC, Leen Yassine, Block Club News in Chicago, 7 August 2024.
    1. “When the Democratic National Convention came to Chicago in 1968, the Illinois Black Panther Party was just beginning.
    2. That August 56 years ago, Bobby Rush, Bob Brown and Fred Hampton came together to found the party’s Chicago chapter
    3. Now --- ahead of another Democratic National Convention in the Windy City --- the Epiphany Center for the Arts and the Historical Preservation Society of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther  Party are honoring the Illinois chapter’s history of Black political struggle in a new exhibit.”

Under common and State laws:

“Any person who knowingly uses another's name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness, in any manner, on or in products, merchandise, or goods, or for purposes of advertising… without such person's prior consent” shall be liable for damages and attorney's fees (and potentially punitive damages). It is unlawful for an individual to make deliberate statements that intend to harm a person’s reputation without factual evidence or based on hearsay.

Defamation by association refers to written or spoken statements that are false, unprivileged, and harmful to someone's reputation. Defamation can occur in many places, including the workplace, media, school, home, or in a public forum. 

Mr. Brown avers categorically that at no time did he, his family or assigns at any time offer, gift or provide any of the above cited individuals or representatives, his permission, right, or leave to use his name, likeness, photograph, biography and/or history for any purpose, at any time.

Further, Common laws and State Statutes set forth remedies and provides the right to “bring an action to enjoin such unauthorized publication, printing, display or any other public use and to recover damages for any loss or injury sustained by reason thereof…”

Aside from the flagrant violations against Mr. Brown as outlined above, the included individuals and representatives appear to have engaged in (or intended to engage in) in an intentional attempt to defame Mr. Brown by deliberately associating him with the National Democratic Party, and/or its Illinois, Cook County and and/or Chicago chapters, and/or its 1968 and 2024 National Conventions, an allegation of an association which is entirely false, and which may be detrimental to his reputation and standing in the local, national, Pan-African, and international communities with which he has engaged for his teenage and entire adult life.

If you do not cease and desist any and all related use of my name and likeness, etc. as cited above, a lawsuit may be commenced against you.

This shall serve as a formal demand letter demanding that you provide us written assurance within a reasonable time that you will cease and desist from the use of Mr. Bob Brown’s name,  likeness, use, biographical information, history, etc., and publish retractions of any and all statements that presume a defamatory association with the organizations cited above, and/or similar organizations and situations.

If you do not comply with this cease-and-desist letter within the aforementioned reasonable time-period, then a lawsuit may be filed in the proper jurisdiction seeking monetary damages as well as pursuing all available legal remedies for your individual and/or organizational involvement.


<<Bob Brown>>

Bob Brown

Director, Pan-African Roots

Organizer, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

Founder, and former co-Organizer, Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party; and former Midwest Organizer, March 1968 to December 1968 [appointed by Kwame Ture]

Former Director of Chicago Office of SNCC, and former Midwest Organizer ((appointed by Joyce Brown)

Former Organizer, Chicago Chapter of CORE (under the leadership of Bob Lucas, Jorja English Palmer, Elmo Taylor, Ellis Wicks and Murton Shanklin)


[List of additional organizational affiliations, worldwide, historical and current, furnished upon request.]


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Pan-African Roots
6139 Oxon Hill Rd Unit 1095 Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Black Complicity in Genocide and Apartheid, and Crimes against Humanity in Palestine

Notes from the Barricades
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Notes from the Barricades

Another Pan-African Roots Blog


11 August 2024

EXPOSED: Black Complicity in Genocide, the Crime of Apartheid,

War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in Palestine

By Bob Brown, Director of Pan-African Roots


On October 19 and 25, 2023 the Center for Constitutional Rights sent letters to President Joseph H. Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Congressman Gregory Meeks, and others, exposing and holding them accountable for “US Complicity in Israel’s Unfolding Genocide Against the Palestinian People.”

On 3 November 2023, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, and Palestine Legal sent a  “Notice of Potential Legal Liability For Aiding, Abetting, Inciting, Or Conspiring to Commit Genocide through Congressional Ats, and Demand” to all 535 Congressional Representatives. Kamala Harris, then President of the US Senate, and all other Congressional Representatives of African Descent, were included in this Notice. Harris is the Democratic Party Candidate for President today.

This letter warned them to take notice that if they voted in favor of an emergency military funding package for Israel, they “risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principal of universal jurisdiction.”

It asked them “to take notice with the gravity with which it is intended.” It demanded that they  “refrain from aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, by voting against the proposed military aid package, and by refraining from any encouragement or support for the commission of Israeli crimes against Palestinians.”

They were notified that “the evidence of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes of aggression committed by Israel with the material support the United States is overwhelming.” We will publish some of this evidence in our Special Edition.

Like Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1968, during the racist and illegal U.S. War against Vietnam, Joe Biden was forced to not run for re-election. Biden endorsed Kamala Harris to run for the presidency in his place; and to use her to continue the U.S. crime of complicity in genocide, apartheid and crimes against Palestinian humanity. She willingly and enthusiastically betrays everything African People worldwide have fought and died for over that past 76 years. Support for her makes us complicit in these crimes. We marched in the streets everyday asking the world how many Vietnamese children did he kill that day. We should not give Kamala a free pass because of her color and gender. She is a Zionist and a racist; and it is the height of sexism to be complicit in the murder of tens of thousands of Palestinian children and women by 500-pound and 2000-pound US-made bombs.

Since October 7, 2023, at least 39,480+ Palestinians have been killed by Israel, more than  60% of whom are women and children, 6,000 to 20,000 are missing, 91,128 have been wounded, 9,312+ have been detained, and 1,900,000 have been displaced in Gaza; 594 have been killed in the West Bank, 5,400+ have been wounded, and 7,350 detained; 1,609 were killed and 200+ have been captured inside the pre-1967 borders of Israel; 506 were killed and 100,000 displaced in Lebanon; and 256 were killed in Syria. The evidence of Black complicity in these ongoing crimes has been documented and is overwhelming. We will expose it.

Thought and Action

In his 1964 Ballot or the Bullet speech, Malcolm X spoke about taking the African situation in the United States  before the Organization of African Unity and the UN World Court. He played a critical role in introducing Palestine and Gaza to the African community in the United States. Six decades later, Israeli crimes against Palestine, and the complicity of the United States, are before the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, and the World. South Africa, and other progressive, radical, and revolutionary countries in the 6 Regions of Africa, the African Diaspora, and the World are playing critical roles.

On 20 August 2024, 45 days before the U.S. presidential election, we will launch a Special Edition of Pan-African Roots, our online newspaper. It will continue and expand the tradition of the Fact Sheet on The Palestine Problem: Test Your Knowledge which was published in the June/July 1967 issue of the SNCC Newsletter.

This Special Edition will be titled EXPOSED: Black Complicity in Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes of Apartheid, and Crimes against Humanity in Palestine. Black congressional and movement mis-leadership will be named, documented, and held accountable.

This notice is being sent to you and 200,000 other people, worldwide. Please RSVP us at in order to receive your copy via email. We are very small and very poor, and we need your help!  Please make a donation TODAY, via Cash App at $paroots1948a.


To be removed from this list please visit manage subscription to unsubscribe.

Pan-African Roots
6139 Oxon Hill Rd Unit 1095 Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Thursday, October 27, 2022

An Open Letter to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, Worldwide!

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“God Makes No Slave in the Womb!”

[Quote by Rev. John Gregg Fee (1848)

Founder of Berea College in Berea, Kentucky]


25 October 2022

We hope this email finds you and your Family in the best of health and spirits. Pan-African Roots, a not-for-profit network, sends you and others in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and the World, this email and two attached documents:

  1. An Open Letter to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church Worldwide; and
  2. An Incomplete List of Papal Bulls and Related Treaties for and against Exploration and Discovery, Settlement and Colonization, Trafficking and Enslavement, and Forced Conversion.

Similar Open Letters will be sent to other religious, spiritual, and irreligious traditions; and to stakeholders, especially Heads of States and students/youth in Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Baltic countries, France, Great Britain, the United States, and their former and current Empires.

This Open Letter is not a request for another apology or another demand for reparations. We do not compete with those forces who make these requests and demands. We are a part of the slavery, colonial and neo-colonial era records disclosure movement. We do not seek to build another organization. We demand the fullest and strongest accountability from those organizations that exist today. We do not claim to speak for or on behalf of 1.5 billion African People in 125 countries in Africa and the African Diaspora. We speak truth to them, to the powerless and the powerful of the world.

Pan-African Roots requests:

  1. Confirmation by the Pope and other religious, spiritual and irreligious leaders that “God Makes No Slaves in the Womb.”
  2. Confirmation that the trafficking in and enslavement of African People from 1441 to 1888 was illegal, was a crime against humanity, a crime against God.
  3. The translation, digitization and disclosure of all slavery, colonial and neo-colonial era records worldwide.
  4. Inclusion of African and poor Youth in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora, and the World in every phase of this historic archival project.
  5. The creation of a new generation of anti-slavery, anti-trafficker, anti-colonial and anti-neo-colonial digital archivists, researchers, scholars and organizers.
  6. That every young Person in the world be given an archival card that enables and empower them to access this digital database. Give them resources to excel.

In short, we request that you and like-minded People in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and the World help galvanize and unleash the fullest extent and power of the Papal Magisterium and the Archival-Industrial-Complex to implement the above requests. We believe that World Humanity will be pleased.

Please forward this email. Email us confirmation of your support at the email below. Pan-African Roots thanks you in advance for whatever consideration you give.


<<Bob Brown>>

Bob Brown, Director 

Pan-African Roots or




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Pan-African Roots
225 East 26th Street, Suite 1 Tucson, AZ 85713

Monday, November 23, 2020

#MelanatedWealth The Melanated Wealth Series (Advancing Black Business to Black Generational Wealth) #Money #BlackBusiness #BlackFinance #PhiBetaSigma

(#MelanatedWealth) ! Paid off $120,000 debt in 2 years CONSCIOUSLY - with @TheUrbanFinance #Trini Rev. Khaden Nurse (#TheUrbanFinance) joins Tiniki Riddick (myEcon) and @SekoVarner to talk about politics and money, investing in Marijuana, using a Su Su to go to college, combining conscious-building and wealth-building, Amos Wilson, Black Power, how he and his wifey-4-lifey paid off $120,000 OF DEBT IN 2 YEARS, and how theWE can do the same. 

 (#MelanatedWealth) Making Thousandaires into Millionaires - A. Donahue Baker on #GetOnCode #GetOnCode - In this episode of Get On Code (The Fly Guys Show) we build with A. Donahue Baker of and Tiniki Riddick of myEcon. #PhiBetaSigma Brother A. Donahue Baker is a CPA, former Grammy-nominated music producer, and current real estate developer with a personal portfolio that includes over 500 units of residential/commercial properties nationwide. A. Donahue Baker recently co-founded a $10 million angel syndicate/VC fund to help theWE to create wealth and have access to capital. Tiniki Riddick: 

 (#MelanatedWealth) Will Mingo will make you rich! Owns checking cashers, now opening a Bank! #GetOnCode - In this episode of Get On Code (The Fly Guys Show) we build with Will Mingo of HTTP:// and Tiniki Riddick of myEcon. #PhiBetaSigma Brother Will Mingo - MBA, SHRM-SCP. Will Mingo has been Director, Global Infrastructure Consulting Services for a Fortune 50 Information Technology firm. Will had P&L accountability for an IT consulting business supporting $2B+ in enterprise hardware & software sales. He led a large global organization of engineers, consultants, project managers & operations support personnel. Previous to joining his current firm, Mingo worked at Mellon Human Resources & Investor Solutions where he was Vice President of the Business Integration function. Prior to Mellon, Will spent over a decade at Prudential Financial where he was a Director and performed leadership roles across multiple functions including Information Technology, Human Resources, Sales Operations and Corporate Risk Management. Additionally, Will previously served on the faculty of the Boston University Corporate Education Center where he taught project management courses in the Master’s Degree and certification programs. In addition to his success as a leader in Fortune 100 corporations over the past 20+ years, Mr. Mingo is an accomplished entrepreneur. Will holds a New Jersey Banking license as well as a New Jersey Bail Bonds license. Will also has an extensive background in real estate development and financing. He and his wife own The World of Beer sports bar in New Brunswick, NJ. Will has received numerous awards and honors for his academic, professional, & civic accomplishments. His successes have been featured in the New York Daily News and the Newark City News. Will holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Clark Atlanta University and an MBA from New York Institute of Technology. Will resides in Monroe Township, NJ with his wife Desiree and their sons James & William. He recently co-founded a bank to help theWE to create wealth and have access to capital. Tiniki Riddick:

#MelanatedWealth  The Melanated Wealth Series (Advancing Black Business to Black Generational Wealth) #Money #BlackBusiness #BlackFinance #PhiBetaSigma #OmegaPsiPhi

We got Books ! Positive Vibes Litterature 757-523-1399

Monday, June 10, 2019

Hidden Colors 5 in Norfolk, Virginia (#HamptonRoads #CoastalVirginia)

Hidden Colors 5
Hampton Roads Screening
8/1/2019 at 8 PM at The Naro Cinema, Norfolk VA
Produced by The Conscious Kollective
Hidden Colors 5 is the final installment of the critically acclaimed Hidden Colors film series. Hidden Colors 5: The Art of Black Warfare is the fifth installment of the critically acclaimed documentary series that teaches about the untold history of people of color and showcase leading scholars and historians discussing topics such as:  *The History of African Military Science - *Ancient African Martial Arts - *Omitted History - *Biological Warfare Against Melanated People - *The Truth About Vaccinations, and Engineered Foods - *Solutions to these issues - And so much more.

Official Website:

$15 - $20 Cash-only Tickets:
Bookstore in Military Circle Mall (757) 455-5535
Positive Vibes Bookstore (757) 523-1399

$15 - $20 Tickets online on Eventbrite:

Limited $25 Day of Tickets at the Ticket Booth

For more details contact: or call Positive Vibes Afrikan Litterature: 757-523-1399.
#HiddenColors #HiddenColors5 #Melanoid #MelanoidNation
#Chesapeake #Hampton #NewportNews #Norfolk #Portsmouth #Suffolk #VirginaBeach 
#ChesapeakeVirginia #HamptonVirginia #NewportNewsVirginia #NorfolkVirginia #PortsmouthVirginia #SuffolkVirginia #VirginaBeachVirginia #CoastalVirginia #CoastalVa #HamptonRoads #HamptonRoadsVa #HamptonRoadsVirginia #TwoUpTwoDown #2Up2Down  

Monday, June 3, 2019

Operation Reset - Youth Empowerment Service International - Y.E.S i

Greetings Family,

Re: Operation Reset

In light of the social ill-health that is evident in the world's cultural super power called Jamaica, we all must renew our efforts to fulfill our national aspiration of advancing our own welfare and that of the entire humanity.

Remembering that 'one one cocoa full basket' and 'it takes a village', we now invoke the spirit of oneness which is evident in the concept of Ubuntu, 'I am because we are''. Hence, I'm offering my role in the (w)holistic intervention, consensus building and focus for the inevitable national renewal. With that said, kindly see the attached, Y.E.S i, linked to my available service.

Thanks for your time and we look forward to the enhanced synergy in the process of community consultation and consensus building  for national plan of action and for urgent renewal and renewed development.

With Love and Honour,
398 8616

Living The Art of Life


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"In the end the most important thing is" - Roderick Barnes

Rodrick Barnes: 
Food for Thought! Worship Wednesday! YOUR Purpose "In the end the most important thing is: What's the purpose of your life? Why are YOU here? What makes YOU really do what YOU do?" "Everything on this earth has a purpose and YOU do too. That purpose provides an inner drive that once YOU tap into it will give your life immersed fulfillment. It will also give YOU certainty..." -- Tony Robbins in YouTube video by Nineteen Eighty "WE all have to have a reason to be here. If all YOU are doing is going out trying to achieve goals...The purpose of a goal is not to achieve it. The purpose of the goal... is what it makes of US as people, it's what WE become." "Why are YOU here? What are YOU here to do? What are YOU here to accomplish, give, or create? These are the most important questions to answer in YOUR LIFE." Live Well! (Lifestyle) 

RAB "God has put YOU here for a reason. God does not create things without a purpose."

Rodrick B. provides motivational messages to The Conscious Community. Look our for social media handles - coming soon!!

"That's why, I been grinding, I've been grinding all my life."

Rodrick Barnes: Food for Thought! TGIM! The Grind "All my life, I've been grinding all my life. Sacrifice, Hussle paid the price. Want a slice? Got to roll the dice. That's why, I been grinding, I've been grinding all my life." -- verse from Nipsey Hussle's song, "Grinding All My Life / Stucc in The Grind" Success takes grind, sacrifice, hustle, fight and courage to rolling the dice. One must have a certain respect and admiration for those who have made their marks without the benefit of the traditional university education. The culture that we call street has given birth to some of the most successful and insightful people in America. Many of US would not be here today were it not for the skills and knowledge we acquired and the dues we paid on the streets. There is no replacement for the street sense and instinct, there is no school tougher than the School of Hard Knocks, and there is no equivalent to a Street Degree. SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS Nipsey Hustle whose birth name is Erimas Joseph Asghedom says his father taught to have Integrity, to be confidence and a leader. These are things that they don't teach in school. Live Well! (Lifestyle) 

RAB What's the difference? The Grind, Sacriface and Courage

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Black Restaurant Week, Read in, Gospel March on Va. Beach, Ashra Kwesi, & History Makers

Black Restaurant Week in Hampton Roads 2/17/19 - 2/23/19
unnamed.jpg to find out which restaurants are participating!
Beyond Vegan Cell Food
Croaker's Spot
J&K Style Grill
J.R. Crickets NN
Jerrrk Time
Mango Mangeaux
Martin's Soul Food
Phoenix Restaurant & Lounge
Senses Vegan Comfort Food
Scratch Bakery
Wing and a Prayer
How would you love to read Black books to Virginia Beach Elementary students. email for Friday 2/22/19 from 8:30 - 1 pm at College Park Elementary School.

2/23/2019 The interdenominational Ministers are MARCHING ON VIRGINIA BEACH from Rudee Inlet to 40th Street followed by a Gospel concert on 24th Street.


2/24/2019 Ashra Kwesi Speaks at Military Circle Mall's bookstore @ 2:00 pm - Tickets $20 in advance.
2019-02-24 Baba Kwesi & IG in Norfolk.jpg

TACA index.jpg

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