White Man Tells Truth About Black (Not Arab) Kemet (Egypt)
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection
Hotep (Peace and Blessings) All,
Check out these videos, click on the links:
#1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJzVX_OHnOE
#2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_ZmsRUmuWU
If you haven't been to AfRAka...when are you going? I'm putting it out there right now, I'm trying to get 50 Black people interested in learning OUR-STORY to join me on the KEMET NU – Kemet(Egypt)/ Cairo to Nubia 15 day tour on July 10-23,2011. Come see the truth for you own eyes so you will not be bamboozled any longer.
Don't believe me, check out this video I took while we were visiting the Pyramids as I question our tour guide on why they were changing the names of the 'Great Pyramids', to Greek names instead of calling them by their AfRAkan given names: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDtUb0V90z0
So, what are you waiting on Black people? Let's go to back "AfRAka" and see where it ALL STARTED AND SEE THE TRUTH WITH YOUR OWN EYES! WITHOUT BLACK HISTORY, THERE WOULD BE NO HISTORY!
If you are going to go on the tour please let me know or you can contact Kemet Nu directly and say you are with the G&G Travel group. You can pay on an installment plan so start paying now to keep your payments low. The itinerary for the trip is now available. Contact G&G Travel for payment arrangement details.
Visit www.gngassociates.net, click on the "G&G Travel" link for more details. Without a doubt…please pass this information on to every person you know.
Click on the link for the itinerary and brochure:
Click on link for prior tour videos:
***Remember, when you sign up for the trip mention you are with the G&G Travel group***
Ankh Uja Snb (Life, Strength & Health),
Asar Gary
"The further back we look, the further forward we'll be able to see."
Marcus Garvey
Additional FYI links on AfRAka:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN1KYkeBYTk&feature=fvw <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN1KYkeBYTk&feature=fvw>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYXE3tnXVKo&NR=1 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYXE3tnXVKo&NR=1>
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