Friday, June 24, 2011

MERS...Foreclosure & Assignment Fraud

Hotep All,

Do you know anyone who has been foreclosed on or maybe has MERS involved in their mortgage assignment process? If so, you might really want to read this e-mail or pass it along to someone who does.

It could mean getting your house back if it was fraudulently taken from you or saving your house if it's on the brink of getting swiped from you by the crooked banks and Liars sorry I meant Lawyers.

This decision by the NY courts could have as large of impact as the Kansas decision had last year. Remember, always glean, glean, glean all the information you can.

Here, even though the judges are quoting NY law the argument is what all defense attorneys and smart pro-se litigants have been saying, you cannot transfer what you don't have even though most if not all the crooked judges have been hearing but ignoring this for years.

Why is it that most judges cant do whats right? Apparently this judge has not or refuses to be bought out by the system (banks) and made the statement of the century when it comes to foreclosure defense:

"This Court is mindful of the impact that this decision may have on the mortgage industry in New York, and perhaps the nation. Nonetheless, the law must not yield to expediency and the convenience of lending institutions. Proper procedures must be followed to ensure the reliability of the chain of ownership, to secure the dependable transfer of property, and to assure the enforcement of the rules that govern real property."

Use the argument for all its worth who knows…the judges in your area might agree.

The entire brief can be found here:

Amani (peace)
Asar Gary

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