Sunday, April 1, 2012

Truth about Canola Oil

Kaebo (What's UP) All,

I know i just sent this out last month, but if you didn't watch it or are still using canola oil please do again. The stuff is dangerous to you and it's everywhere. I just came from the health food store and it has creeped into a lot of products at the so called health food products.

Remember, now the same people who process the junk food are now producing the supposed health food. It's all capitalism...fool those who don't know and don't care to learn. I just ask you to open your eyes and see the 'canola in the writing.'

THIS SHIGIDY IS BAD FOR YOU PEOPLE !!!!! Read your labels in your house today and get rid of that shigidy out your house and life.

Remember, the government DOES NOT have your best interest in mind when it comes to making money or your health. If so, they would never have allowed this product to be sold in stores especially with the documented evidence they have gathered about the deadly effects of canola oil.

Check out this site...this brother's research says and proves it all. If you care about your health, you'll at least view the information to educate and protect your family.

The evidence presented will help you make the decision to stop poisoning your body with man-made experiments and go with what the Creator has provided for us at no charge.

Also, here's additional info regarding the effects of white sugar, really called refined sucrose. Watch these 3 Video Articles seen on DGTv:

1) Canola Oil: A Drop of Death
2) White Sugar: The Mark of Cane
3) White Sugar 2: Killin' You Sweetly

"It's ok not to know, it's a shame not to want to know."
Dr. John Clarke

Ankh Uja Sbn (Life,Vitality, Health)

Asar Maa Ra Gary

"Ignorance of your true Self is the root cause of your bondage to the karmic (Ari) cycle of life-death-reincarnation-life-death-reincarnation, etc."
Pert m Hru

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