Ancestral Path's 2nd commemoration of
"Our Ancestor's 2nd Hell Trip !"

This event, again, recognizes the tragic and deadly forced march and shipping of over 1,000,000 of our enslaved ancestors from Norfolk to the deep south, beginning in 1790, to clear the swampy, treacherous Gulf Coastal area to build and work sugar cane prison farms (aka plantations). This episode in our history is little known and rarely commemorated by our people. For further information contact Kwasi Imhotep .
I will recount the Norfolk history of this deadly occasion as well as bring new information about the historic 1811 revolt of our ancestors against chattel enslavement in New Orleans. This revolt was the largest in the history of this country's enslavement genocide against our people! Larger, and preceded by 20 years, Nat Turner's Revolutionary Army Revolt of 1831, and may well have played a role in inspiring Nat Turner and other revolts.
{At ALL of our events, I not only commemorate our Ancestors lives, but we also teach our history through our own eyes, not via the oppressors. Thus, we avoid using such derogatory, romanticized (Roman/Greek /euro based), racist, terms such as Middle Passage, Slaves, Maroons, Diaspora, and the like.}
Historian/activist Leon Waters of New Orleans is expected to be with us to more fully inform us of this 1811 revolt, and of his ancestor, Hannibal, who took part in it.
Additional speakers include:
Seba (Great teacher) Heru Ka Anu of Baltimore. Founder of Ta Nefer Ankh (Way of Life), Kemetic Spiritual leader, Member of the Kemetic Counsel and former ASCAC Spiritual Commission member, historian, lecturer and broadcaster. Seba Heru will also speak at the House of Consciousness later from 5:30-7:30pm. 600 W. 35th St, Norfolk
Sister Diana Chappelle-Lewis, long time activist, teacher, lecturer, community leader and former member of the original Black Panther Party for Self Defense.
Baba H. K. Khalifah, Black books publisher, long time historian, Afrikan cultural activist and N'COBRA leader who operates the historic Nat Turner Revolutionary Trail Tour in Southampton County, VA.
The program will also include Ancestral Libation; lighting of small candles (representing our ancestors spirits) and group cast them into the river as an act of reconnection/tribute of their ultimate sacrifices.
Tour of the Nat Turner Revolutionary Trail in Southampton County, VA (apprx 1 hour south of Norfolk) on Sunday, June 30. Everyone is encouraged to take this tour in recognition and tribute to our very brave and courageous ancestors who struck the blow for our liberty.
We are calling for DRUMMERS/SINGERS/SPOKEN WORD ARTISTS and more to join us-This is your local/regional/Gulf Coast history!
Open Mike for any person of Afrikan descent to briefly relate to the people their testimony concerning this and related history.
Bring your family, friends, co-workers, Afrikan bells, drums, noise makers, instruments, voices, lawn chairs, umbrellas, sunscreen, and make this a momentous tribute to our ancestors. Open to ALL people of good will. Only Afrikan descended people are allowed to actively participate.
Please circulate widely to your contacts.
Kwasi Imhotep
Follow Park Ave at Brambleton Ave across from Norfolk State Univ. (President's Bldg which should be on your left and behind you as you go down Park Ave). Follow Park Ave as it winds down towards Harbor Park (150 Park Ave) on your left. Then cross the trolley tracks and the Unpaved Parking Lot is on your left next to the Elizabeth River. Please avoid stopping on the trolley tracks.
Bring your family, friends, co-workers and make this a momentous tribute to our ancestors. Open to ALL people of good will. Only Afrikan descended people are allowed to actively participate.
Please circulate widely to your contacts.
Kwasi Imhotep
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