Monday, December 26, 2016

"7 Things to do in Umoja"- Seko Varner's annual Umjoa message.

Seko Varner's annual Umoja message:

"7 Things to do in Umoja"

1) Take a family photo.
2) Work on a community volunteer project as a family or community.
3) Apologize to a family member or neighbor you harmed.
4) Accept the apology of a family member who harmed you.
5) Cook a family meal together, as a family, and eat together.
6) Do something fun, as a couple, group, or family. (Go see the new Denzel Washington movie)
7) Pray together to maintain unity as a family, community, nation, and race.

Umoja = Unity. 
Kwanzaa Principle: To strive for and maintain Unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

My family is doing #6 & #7 today ! 
Ashee, ashee, Amen. (Let it be)
Seko B.E. Varner

DJ Seko Varner
Seko Benjamin-Eric Varner, M.Ed
Be blessed, stay blessed, be a blessing.

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