Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Exhibitors, Sponsors, and Vendors wanted - NIA Fest 2015 in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Contact 757-932-0177 or email positivevibesdjs@gmail for 
exhibitor/vendor/sponsor information !

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blasian (Black Asian) Woman Ariana Miyamoto is Japan's New Miss Universe

Blasian (Black Asian) Woman is Japan's New Miss Universe

ed posted: " I'm going to let the pictures and video speak for itself. What a gorgeous talented and beautiful and well-spoken lovely woman we got here to represent Japan. All I'm going to say is I would be so proud and happy if she was my daughter. Shout out to the "

New post on Dream and Hustle

Ariana Miyamoto is the New Miss Universe for Japan

by ed
I'm going to let the pictures and video speak for itself. What a gorgeous talented and beautiful and well-spoken lovely woman we got here to represent Japan. All I'm going to say is I would be so proud and happy if she was my daughter. Shout out to the brothas focused in Japan (BlackTokyo/Shux) for the H/T on this.
ed | March 14, 2015 at 3:07 pm | Categories: Strategies | URL: http://wp.me/p3IvB4-1K9
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