Thursday, September 12, 2024

Black Complicity in Genocide and Apartheid, and Crimes against Humanity in Palestine

Notes from the Barricades
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Notes from the Barricades

Another Pan-African Roots Blog


11 August 2024

EXPOSED: Black Complicity in Genocide, the Crime of Apartheid,

War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in Palestine

By Bob Brown, Director of Pan-African Roots


On October 19 and 25, 2023 the Center for Constitutional Rights sent letters to President Joseph H. Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Congressman Gregory Meeks, and others, exposing and holding them accountable for “US Complicity in Israel’s Unfolding Genocide Against the Palestinian People.”

On 3 November 2023, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, and Palestine Legal sent a  “Notice of Potential Legal Liability For Aiding, Abetting, Inciting, Or Conspiring to Commit Genocide through Congressional Ats, and Demand” to all 535 Congressional Representatives. Kamala Harris, then President of the US Senate, and all other Congressional Representatives of African Descent, were included in this Notice. Harris is the Democratic Party Candidate for President today.

This letter warned them to take notice that if they voted in favor of an emergency military funding package for Israel, they “risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principal of universal jurisdiction.”

It asked them “to take notice with the gravity with which it is intended.” It demanded that they  “refrain from aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, by voting against the proposed military aid package, and by refraining from any encouragement or support for the commission of Israeli crimes against Palestinians.”

They were notified that “the evidence of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes of aggression committed by Israel with the material support the United States is overwhelming.” We will publish some of this evidence in our Special Edition.

Like Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1968, during the racist and illegal U.S. War against Vietnam, Joe Biden was forced to not run for re-election. Biden endorsed Kamala Harris to run for the presidency in his place; and to use her to continue the U.S. crime of complicity in genocide, apartheid and crimes against Palestinian humanity. She willingly and enthusiastically betrays everything African People worldwide have fought and died for over that past 76 years. Support for her makes us complicit in these crimes. We marched in the streets everyday asking the world how many Vietnamese children did he kill that day. We should not give Kamala a free pass because of her color and gender. She is a Zionist and a racist; and it is the height of sexism to be complicit in the murder of tens of thousands of Palestinian children and women by 500-pound and 2000-pound US-made bombs.

Since October 7, 2023, at least 39,480+ Palestinians have been killed by Israel, more than  60% of whom are women and children, 6,000 to 20,000 are missing, 91,128 have been wounded, 9,312+ have been detained, and 1,900,000 have been displaced in Gaza; 594 have been killed in the West Bank, 5,400+ have been wounded, and 7,350 detained; 1,609 were killed and 200+ have been captured inside the pre-1967 borders of Israel; 506 were killed and 100,000 displaced in Lebanon; and 256 were killed in Syria. The evidence of Black complicity in these ongoing crimes has been documented and is overwhelming. We will expose it.

Thought and Action

In his 1964 Ballot or the Bullet speech, Malcolm X spoke about taking the African situation in the United States  before the Organization of African Unity and the UN World Court. He played a critical role in introducing Palestine and Gaza to the African community in the United States. Six decades later, Israeli crimes against Palestine, and the complicity of the United States, are before the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, and the World. South Africa, and other progressive, radical, and revolutionary countries in the 6 Regions of Africa, the African Diaspora, and the World are playing critical roles.

On 20 August 2024, 45 days before the U.S. presidential election, we will launch a Special Edition of Pan-African Roots, our online newspaper. It will continue and expand the tradition of the Fact Sheet on The Palestine Problem: Test Your Knowledge which was published in the June/July 1967 issue of the SNCC Newsletter.

This Special Edition will be titled EXPOSED: Black Complicity in Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes of Apartheid, and Crimes against Humanity in Palestine. Black congressional and movement mis-leadership will be named, documented, and held accountable.

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Pan-African Roots
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