Thursday, July 7, 2011


I just want y'all to see for yourselves the typically weak-kneed mis-leadership of the National Juneteenth Commission.  Below, is my note to them of June 17.  They were supposed to respond in 48 hours, but it took them 3 weeks to send their flimsy reply below.  Their "defense" is non-existent, but they choose to play, semantical word games instead of making their case.  The so-called "news of freedom."  on June 19,1865 that they speak of was PREDICATED on Lincoln's proclamation, and they know it. And we have shown conclusively that his proclamation did not and could not free anyone!  But, as I have said they don't have the truth of conviction to ask the euro for a Black holiday based on our ancestors killing white men in the civil war, so they say Lincoln "gave us our freedom massa' Congress, please let us'n coons have a Black Independence Day".


Sent: 7/7/2011 11:48:03 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Juneteenth??
Brother Kwasi:
Thanks for your e-mail. I never said "our enslaved Ancestors were freed by Lincoln's proclamation, in general, and by Gen. Granger's order in Texas on June 19, 1865."
I said that "we all come together to celebrate our freedom on the announcement made on the "19th of June", 1865, joining our ancestors in the last state where slavery was allowed in celebration of the news of freedom." 
It wasn't until the 13th Amemndment, on December 18, 1865, was passed did enslavement officially end in the country. 

Sent: Fri, June 17, 2011 8:34:16 AM
Subject: Juneteenth??

Hotep (peace)
With all due respects, your premise that our enslaved Ancestors were freed by Lincoln's proclamation, in general, and by Gen. Granger's order in Texas on June 19, 1865, is based on false historical grounds.  Enslaved Afrikans were not legally freed until
December 6, 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified by the several states!
Further, Lincoln's proclamation, did not, and could not legally free anyone, by it's own terms. (see: Lerone Bennett, Jr., "Forced Into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream). A proclamation is only an official announcement, usuall by a governmental entity (Blacks Law, 6th Ed), and DOES NOT have any legal effect, nor legal forec or legal effect as law.  Lincoln's proclamation could not have any legal effect also becuse it was only directed at the states that were then in rebellion which had their own government!  In areas such as Norfolk and Portsmouth, VA which were then under Union control, and where Lincoln could have feed our Ancestors, he chose not to do so and his proclamation specifically exempted those cities and other localities from its coverage as stated in the proclamation.
In fact, it was through the heroic efforts of our Ancestors who took up arms in the Union Army and fought against the south, that freedom was actually won.  See my attached essay, "Juneteenth Is Mis-guided!" for more documentation on these points.
Kwasi Imhotep, MS
Ancestral Path

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