Friday, July 15, 2011


So many of the CONS who are now blocking Pres. Obama's attempts to raise the US credit limit (debt ceiling) are the very same ones (Cantor & da boyz) who under Bush just couldn't say "no" and voted to raise the ceiling 5 times (some experts say they actually raised it 7 times, and they would have raised it 8 times, but Bush inherited a budget surplus from Clinton) to help Bush spend, spend, spend, money that the US did not have!  Further, in the attached article, you'll read where these same CONS have voted to raise the credit limit 19 TIMES prior to Obama!
Have these CONS seen the error of their past ways and are now trying to make amends?  Hell no; they are more than hypocritical, they and their wanna-be-dark-skin CONS are being racicrites! Under Bush, they didn't have any problem what so ever in giving tax breaks to the elite, funding his wars, and raising the ceiling to try to keep pace with Bush's massive spending.  But, under Obama, who classifies himself as being a Black man, all of a sudden these racicrites still persist in keeping the tax breaks for the elite, but now see the raising debt limit as a mortal sin. The elite tax breaks were supposed to create jobs, but where are those jobs--overseas, where they can get away with paying workers pennies on the dollar and thus feed the capitalists ever-growing hunger for profits, baby, profits!  A bipartisan congressional panel studying the issue concluded that in the US, there was a NET ZERO GROWTH IN DOMESTIC JOB CREATION DUE TO THE TAX BREAKS!
Some say that politics is the art of compromise, which in reality, is the only way that legislation mostly gets passed, because  congress & the executive branch rarely see eye-to-eye.  But, in this case, the CONS are demanding cruel cuts in SSA and medical programs as the price to pay for their vote. SSA and Medicare are not free gifts to us.  Wish the hell they were! We all know that we did not have a choice in the government taking money out of our pay checks for SSA.  So, since we paid for it, why are the CONS so set on cutting off our right to get some of it back? Pure meanness directed at the elderly, the ill, and the poor people. This,  coupled with the fact that they do not want to be seen by their constituents as helping Obama, a Black man, to succeed!  Gross racial hypocrisy!

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