Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who's Fooling Whom?

Let's see if I can understand this.The CON movement in the US was jump-started by Ronald Reagan's election as president, right?  After all, he is considered the "father of modern CONservatism", the guru, who was also called the dumbest president in history by former House Speaker Tip Oneill.
With that said, why are the present day CONS, proud disciples of Reagan, and their dark-skin wanna-be CONS, so resistant to raising the credit limit (debt ceiling)?  Have they conveniently forgotten that in 8 years, Reagan TRIPLED  the size of the debt to as much as the first 80 years of this century had done!  Say whaat?(
Have the present day followers of Reagan also conveniently forgotten that Reagan RAISED TAXES 11 times? Get outta here!  Yet the CONS persist in the illusion of protecting Bush-era tax breaks for the elite, while asking the rest of us to "sacrifice for the good of the country".  Who's in a better position to sacrifice, you and me or the fat cats sitting on millions, billions?  Why aren't the present day CONS even considering closing this tax gift to the wealthy, let alone increasing the tax on them?   Reagan didn't have any problem raising taxes, so what's up with the CONS?  This is a dilemma for the CONS, and their dark-skin wanna-be CONS better take note.  And those Obama folks who sat home during the last mid-term elections and saw their guys lose the lead in the Congress that precipitated this situation also better wise up. 
Recent polls show that the CONS are "isolating" voters by their resistance to deal.  yet they say that the people want them to honor their pledge to hold the line and not raise the debt. Who's fooling whom?
Their hard line to reality couldn't be because  Pres. Obama says he's a Black man, could it? Naw!  Not in this so-called "post racism era."

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