Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Racism 401

Ok, is everyone  seated and paying attention.? Are the wanna-be-dark-skin CONS in class? Good.

The chief Republican CON in Congress and his fellow crooks are now teaching everyone an advanced level course in RACISM in his illogical diatribe against Pres. Obama on the credit limit (debt ceiling) issue, which is money ALREADY SPENT!.  This guy, as we pointed out before AND many of his legislative thugs  has voted to increase the credit limit over 19 times in the recent past under white presidents.  Has he suddenly received an epiphany from on high?  Not likely.  The reality is that no matter what Obama proposes, the CONS are gonna object! Period. End of discussion!

Why? Because as Obama said recently to them, in essence , "you guys are treating me much differently than you have ever treated any other president."

Translated he is saying, the CONS are blatantly racist!  And if anyone does not know the definition of racism from a Black perspective, it's time to read Drs Frances Welsing, Amos Wilson, Chancellor Williams, also Dick Gregory, Patrice Lumumba, Marcus Garvey, Huey P. Newton, and many others of us who have zeroed in on the issue.

Racism is a modus operandi of the exploiter against the exploited and  more importantly, YOU CAN'T FIGHT IT, if you don't accurately know what it is! And it is much more complex than simplistic explanations about dis-liking some one because of their skin color.  Hell, if that's all it was, who would care?  Racism is much more sinister and DEADLY!


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