Friday, August 5, 2011

82% Dis-Approve of Congress

Congress, especially the CONS, is more unpopular right now than new taxes! (link below).  Didn't the Cons say that the people wanted them to honor their pledge not to give in to President Obama?  What people were they referring to? Because the attached poll shows that the people hate their guts over their racist tirades against Obama in the debt ceiling wars.
The people also said they want Congress to create jobs! Obama tried to do that with his stimulus programs that the Cons objected mightily to.  Remember? "YOU LIE!" Who said that? "It's not the job of government to make jobs; the constitution says nothing about job creation; that's a task for the private sector!" says a dark skin wanna be T-bagger.  No shit? Well the constitution didn't say anything about enslaving Afrikans either but that didn't stop government from passing pro-enslavement laws, such as the Fugitive Slaves Act.
The government didn't think twice about creating jobs when it created the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1930s that put thousands of people to work during the so-called Great Depression. Aren't Black unemployed people in a depression now? Neither did a specific lack of constitutional authority prevent government from creating the Works Progress Administration that pit millions of people to work during the same depression. Doesn't OPM and DoD make jobs for millions of people today?
The real deal is that the Cons have not proposed one piece of legislation to create jobs because they are a bunch of do-nothing, racists ideologues who blame Obama for the economic meltdown that their good ol' boys Reagan and and Bush & son started.  They don't have a plan.  Keeping tax breaks for the wealthy is not a plan; that's a scheme that has not produced domestic jobs. 
Connecting the dots, not only is America in economic hell, but the rest of the western (white) world is also.  The signs of a shifting world are everywhere.  Some people remember when gas cost 30 cents a gallon; when kids could buy candy with 1 penney.  Those were the euros good old days when they could "handle" the rest of the world's resources.  But when the Arabs began to see the light and  took control of their own oil resources, suddenly the west had to pay the piper; gas prices shot up to $1-2 dollars almost overnight.
Now comes Nkrumah, Lummba, Kenyatta and others following the philosophy of Garvey, David Walker and other visionnairiesto begin the slow process of taking control of the Afrikan continent and to use the tremendous resources there to benefit Afrikans. And though that process is far from complete, and despite euros attempts to de-rail it, one day Afrika is going to get it together and resume it's traditional place at the top of the world!  And if we have the same vision, we need to "get on the good foot" and help to make it a reality, not so much for us here and now, but for our children and our children's children, and their children's children. If it takes a hundred years to get it done, as Dr. Clarke, if we start today, we only have 99 years to go! To the extent that we restore Afrika, we and our posterity gain a safe haven.  When ancient Afrika was strong and literally ruled the world (See "When Egypt Ruled the East" by Seles & Steindorf, for instance, and other documentation of traditional Afrika's ascendancy), Afrika's citizens were respected and protected where ever they went in the world! You can make that day come again, by joining and supporting pro-Afrikan groups such as Afrocentricity International, and others.  We should all now be sending $$ to Africare, CDI, World Food Programme, USAID, and other relief groups to help save east Afrikans from imminent death dur to the severe drought and famine there.
I know some of you think that this is just an exercise in hyperbole, you know word-games.  In truth, I am NOT a prophet of doom; I'm not a "seer" who looks into the future; I'm not a medicine man with a bag of tricks. 
But one thing that I do know is this: history happens to all under the sun. Nations and kingdoms rise and nations and kingdoms fall. Everything has its time.  Ancient KMT (Egypt), the world's longest lasting empire that ruled the know world for over 3,000 years-Fell!  And KMT, unlike many others that had deadly, ominous creeds such as  "Don't Tread On Me", or "Death to the Vanquished,",  was the most just of countries having a creed of truth, justice, balance, order, righteousness, harmony, etc (Ma-at)!
Greece fell! The Roman empire, which was the first to claim that the sun never set on its vast empire-fell! The Ottoman empire fell!The British Empire fell.  The Russian Empire fell! The Qing Dynasty fell! The Mongol Empire fell!
Need I say more?

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