Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The below article comes from Dean Stokes, a former Dell computer employee.  It contains information of concern to all computer users. In this connection, we have learned from other reliable sources that users of the many personal interaction sites may be at risk of having their personal information funneled into the data banks of regulatory/governmental entities. Also, other sources have told us to be wary of accepting the often lengthy "Terms & Conditions" of various online software "fit-it" web sites without first reading the terms in their entirety.  It seems that by accepting those terms, in some cases, they contain clauses that transfers ownership of your computer to the software firm.  Many of us have used, or are familiar with, the process by which an online firm takes remote control of your computer. Unknown to us, our computers may be left with residual programs that take control without our concurrence.
{Disclaimer: The information below does not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Ancestral Path.  The article is posted as a community service.}
 The talk in some tech circles is that by the end of this year 2011 a large number of internet users will no longer be surfing the World Wide Web.

Some reasons being:
4: People not willing to invest the time to learn how to maintain a problem free computer (ie: scan for computer viruses, remove programs that start-up automatically which often contain malware/spyware).

3: People not willing to pay the exorbitant service fee of large chain stores more than twice in the same year.

2: People not capable of learning how to maintain their computer.

1: The primary reason mentioned was that the internet wasn't meant for the public , it was made for the government and groups doing government research.
The public can now access too much information easily, and is now being corralled into vanity websites where they're watched , or nudged off the web by built-in safety switches , see steps 4 thru 2.

While we offer computer support , we recommend at least basic lessons be taken in order to be more familiar with the computer that you own.
Courtesy of 'Your Computer Oparator'.

( Please see the recent news article listed below , Twitter is an Internet Service ).

San Francisco Transit shuts off cell phone-to-Internet usage to stop protest activity.
Associated Press 08-15-2011

With the flip of a few switches, the San Francisco Bay Area transit agency shut off wireless service to thwart a protest and joined a raging debate over how far authorities can go to disrupt protests organized on social networks.

Read the full story at MSN.COM using the link below:


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** Bio of Dean Stokes**

Your Computer Operator

With over 15 years experience , we can help with your computer needs.

Do you want your computer to operate at its' fullest potential, OR do different things?

Then call Your Computer Operator for Home and Small Office computer support.

Services include:
-Equipment Installation and Upgrades..
-Wireless printing networks.
-Remove 'Computer Virus and Malware' to speed things up.
-Basic computer training.
-Also offering computer inspections before problems occur ,
which means we have your On-The-Shelf-S
olution ready to get your operations back on track.

    Your Computer Operator , Dean Stokes , 757-627-0519.
(serving the Hampton Roads, Virginia area).

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