Monday, June 25, 2012

RAP, HIP HOP & THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Keidi Awadu, the Conscious Rasta - Now available as eBook

From the Conscious Rasta !
Keidi Awadu, aka the Conscious Rasta
Network Email
I am now beginning to put my series of books up as eBooks for instant download.  My biggest selling book has been RAP, HIP HOP & THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Planned Chaos in Youth Music Culture.  It gained me national media attention as well as special scrutiny from clandestine forces that tried to make my personal life miserable.  
I hope I can convince you of just how important this book still remains today.  It covers many topics including:
  • The 1995 killing of rapper Eazy E
  • How urban gangstas got drafted by a reconstructed COINTELPRO type operation
  • The assassinations of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G
  • The hidden controllers of gangsta rap label Death Row
  • The rise of "666 gangstas"
  • An organizational chart of the National Security Establishment control over hip hop artists
  • The strange behaviors of women in hip hop
  • Reproductive failure in African Americans
  • Media agents for "The Beast"
  • Culture wars and population wars
  • And the 7MAC solution to planned chaos
If you have ever appreciated what we've done here at Living In Black, you need to know what set it off.  This book was seminal in giving myself the drive to create alternative media to show the youth their own potential to change society and the world.  Most of the plans to extract our youth from this chaos are still as viable today as ever.  All that is needed is a determined will along with the right information on our behalf.  Where we have the will, we have always proven to come up with viable alternatives to chaos and destruction.
I've also uploaded the 8 hour plus series of LIBRadio archives which are the companion reading and commentary on the book.  As I was listening to and reading the material while putting these packages together, I was in awe of the work that was done by myself as early as 1993 on this research.  I'm convinced that this truly is one of the greatest conspiracy research projects in decades.  I hope you agree.
RAP, HIP HOP & THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Planned Chaos in Youth Music Culture, by Keidi Awadu, the Conscious Rasta - The central theme of this report is that hostile external forces planned the chaos that is occurring within the hip hop generation and that it will be the task of creative youth to come up with the solution. The Image that has permeated the mass media that urban youth, black and brown in particular, are buck-wild and out of control is an absurdity. The book was the first to expose the hidden hand of government agents in the deaths of Eazy E, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. Ultimately we show how this is linked to eugenics, population control and fertility reduction schemes. Available as an eBook on PDF for $10.00 (CRP Vol 4, No 3)
RAP, HIP HOP & THE NEW WORLD ORDER Audio Series on MP3- This 8 hour series goes through the various chapters of the book to explain how a complex scheme to lower the fertility, and thus the population of African Americans was concocted using the hip hop generation as target. By sowing the seeds of mass chaos so deeply within the youth population, this caused serious and widespread disruption to the social patterns through which these youth would mature. We also show much insight into the murders of Eazy E, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. This scheme is a continuation of the COINTELPRO which affected the previous generation. Over 8 hours of audio for $20.00 (LIBMP3 2039 All)
The Falcon Forum Vol 375- Topics include: 6 years into depression; What have we learned? What do we do?; transition of world economic order; opportunities to reconstruct ourselves; 500-year world economic shift; defaulting on debt as solution; domestic disturbance in the West; going rural to escape urban chaos; the sinking American matrix; basis for anti-intellectualism in Blacks; Pan Africanism in domestic development; German future is eastward; breakup of Euro Union; new global migration patterns; agri-economic infrastructure; organizing circles of support; youth in rebellion; transfering leadership to a new generation; and more. $7.50 (LIBMP3-3010)
Keidi Awadu, aka the Conscious Rasta

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