Sunday, June 30, 2013

Why males need initiation.....

Why males need initiation........ Salutes to those Nation Builders who have been working in this front for decades....ASHEE !
An Euro' (white) priest discusses Rites of Passage, a practice that has it's earliest roots in Africa. In the video "Why Males Need Initiation," ( Friar Richard Rohr shows how from his Christian perspective primal societies have demonstrated that cultural survival is dependent on personal spirituality. Unfortunately, the proven way to lead males on this journey has been lost to the West for a thousand years. Fr. Richard addresses the reality that if men are not led through an inner journey of powerlessness, they will inevitably misunderstand and abuse power. Our elders have paved this way for centuries ! Salutes to Ancestor Hanibal Afrik !
The CACRoP is a growing community of practitioners, facilitators, scholars, parents, and activist committed to the advocation, study, development, and practice of an African-centered rites of passage process. The coalition is open to anyone who advocates for African-centered rites of passage as the fundamental process by which an authentic African sense of self is developed.

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