Thursday, June 30, 2011

A 'Conscious' response to: Herman Cain, still running for USA President

Imani foundation,
     Very nice story - but I could never, ever support Herman Cain, I have always been taught, there is a right way and a wrong way to do something.  Mr. Cain has entered this campaign in the most vicious manner, while I do not agree 100% with the President, we should never belittle, marginalize or disrespect our President.  Mr. Cain fail to realize that his walk with God says nothing about demeaning our leaders, infact the scripture clearly states that we MUST '"pray" for our leaders, pray for those who rule over you'.  His christian walk should have told him this. His message has only been one of disrespect and when he disrepect the brother in the white house, his message is direspectful to all brothers. 
     It took us living through 43 presidents before President Obama as the 44th President of the USA.  I beleive Mr. Cain has forgotten how many black people were elected during reconstruction and before "white southerners" would allow them to take their elected seats, they pulled out a gun and shot black members of legislatures to death.  To have a black man in the white house is a tremendous feat in this nation, not to be taken lightly.  Our work should be on how to help make President Obama successful, so that we can continue to elect both black males and females to the white house, but this will not happen if we spend most of our time seeing the bad in what is done and not the good. 
     President Obama not only has to fight on the nations behalf against the opposition party, but he has very little help in his own party, and the many groups that he has assisted have the audacity to threaten him with the idea that they may not support him.  "To that noise I say let's go back to the day in Dec. 2008 when we were losing jobs at a rate of 500,000+, 600,000+ and 700,000+ a month, let's go back to the time when the integration plan was of little value to foreigners, let's go back to the time when Don't Ask don't tell was the order of the day.  Otherwise  tell the noisemakers to shut up. 
     I am very concerned that Mr. Cain would behave in a manner that confuses our youth.  By all means if you have a better plan, present it but not at the expense of the entire black community.  Show us a better way, but do it with dignity and respect.  "I would only support this guy for "Pooper Scooper". Blessings - wishing you all the best. 
A Conscious Voice 
"Fired Up & Ready to Work"
"Education is an investment that we need to win the future."President Barack Obama 

Dear Imani,

Herman often thinks back to the day he met his wife, Gloria.  He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He married that beautiful woman 43 years ago today on June 23, 1968. Here is a picture of them on their wedding day in Atlanta, Georgia:

Though the couple was of modest means, they had each other, a belief in God, and their mutual American Dream to sustain them on their journey. The journey that began 43 years ago today has seen many peaks and valleys, as is true for most. They have enjoyed Herman's successes in the corporate world and they have treasured their growing family of two children and three grandchildren. Together they faced and overcame Herman's diagnosis of Stage 4 cancer, and together they thank God and rejoice that he is now five years cancer-free.

Today, they still walk hand-in-hand on their journey, viewing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the distance. With each step they are reminded of their commitment to God, to each other, to their family, and to their country. Won't you join us in walking with them today?

To celebrate the Cain's 43rd wedding anniversary, will you please send Herman and Gloria a gift of $43 that will help them reach their destination in Washington DC?

In a time when very few stay in love, we remain inspired by the love of Herman and his bride. We are honored to have you join them as part of this journey, and we appreciate your most generous gift to them today.

Thanks for your support and generosity!
Friends of Herman Cain, Inc.
Contributions to Friends of Herman Cain, Inc. are not tax-deductible for federal or state income tax purposes.  An individual may contribute up to $2500 per election (the primary and general are separate elections). By submitting your contribution, you agree that the first $2500 is designated for the primary, and any additional amount up to $2500 is designated for the general elections.   Federal Law prohibits contributions from corporations, federal government contractors, labor unions and foreign nationals.
Friends of Herman Cain, Inc.
PO Box 2158
Stockbridge Georgia 30281
United States

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