You know I was coming with something. I only try to give you the truth and let you make the decision for yourself. As I've said before, it's alright not to know but it's a shame not to want to know. But, then once you find out it's what you do with that knowledge that counts.
As Western culture kicks off the nxt 3 months of hollow-daze (holiday) celebrationz, it's no coincidence they start off with a blatant celebration honoring the existence of evil. It's also a time when the sugar industry pushes the worlds only over-the-counter (OTC) leading to death DRUG...Refined Sucrose (or WHITE SUGAR). What is the treat about Halloween? Click on the link below for the articles and videos.
Asar Maa Ra Gray
"Know that God neither punishes nor rewards nor protects, that you will have the comfort of controlling these for yourself." Law of Herukhiti
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